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-December 11, 2002-
lafcpug at DV Expo
The Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group
along with leaders of the Boston,
San Francisco, Chicago
San Diego and Washington DC, FCP User Groups gathered
for a very special "Meeting" at the DV Expo, December
11 beginning at 6:00PM at the LA Convention Center. This was
the largest gathering of FCP Gurus on the planet. Well, at least
during the month of December.
On the agenda was FCP Product Designer
Brian Meaney, Apple's Michael Wong, and FCP lead Engineer, David
Black who took questions and gathered feedback from the audience
on Final Cut Pro 3 and beyond.
Cawan Starks of Promax
demoed DeckLink from Blackmagic-Design,
the most talked about Video Capture Card to hit the market since
Digital Anarchy's
Jim Tierney premiered 2 brand new plug ins for FCP: Psumani and
Aurora Sky.
Director Noah Kadner showed us
the results of a side by side video shoot he did with the new
Panasonic DVX100 24P Camcorder and the Sony PD 150.
Director of Photography Nate Weaver
presented "If Ozzy Was My Dad (That Would Rock)", a
video produced with the new Panasonic DVX100 24Pand shot in one
exhausting 19-hour day, with a crew of 3 and budget of $150.
This video displayed just how much production value can be had
for the low-budget filmmaker.
Plus there will be a raffle with prizes
totaling close to $4,000 including a copy of DVD Studio Pro donated
by Apple Computer.
It was a great time had by all but unfortunately
it wont be available on DVD
But we do have pictures
courtesy of Ken stone
DVD Studio Pro - Apple
Lite - Promax
one free trainingclass
of your choice - Promax
One FCP Keyboard
- Promax
3 copies of Speed
Truck Challenge - Darren Purcell
Free one year subscription to MacWorld Magazine - MacWorld Magazine
1 Copy of Final Draft or Final Draft AV - Final Draft
2 FCP Keyboard Keycharts - Neotron
2 Royalty Free
Stock Footage CDs - ThinkStock
5 $20.00 Gift Certificates - Poquito Mas Restaurants (Hey, we gotta eat)
DV Companion for FCP 3 - Intelligent
fo Final Cut Pro - Intelligent
DVD Companion Pro Pack -
1 copy Audio
Post Production - CMP
1 copy Compression for Digital Video- CMP Books
1 copy Lighting for Digital Video and Television - CMP
1 copy Great Sound for Digital Video - CMP Books
1 copy Non Linear Editing, Story Telling, Aesthetics & Craft
1 copy Color Correction for Digital Video - CMP Books
1 copy Final Cut Pro 3 Editing Workshops - CMP Books
1 copy Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects - CMP
1 T-shirt -
Special thanks must go to Ken
stone for taking pics and of
course Promax
for footing the bill.
Michael Horton,

Michael Wong, Brian Meaney, and David Black

Michael Wong, Brian Meaney, and David Black

Michael Wong, Brian Meaney

Brian Meaney

Cawan Starks

Apple Classroom on the show floor

Another view of the Classroom

Noah Kadner

Timothy Griffen, Gary Adcock, Dan Berube, Kevin Monahan

Steve Martin

Gary Adcock

Timothy Griffen

Noah Kadner

Nate Weaver

Kevin Monahan

Jim Tierney
site design by Chriss Horgan
copyright © Michael Horton 2000-2010 All rights reserved