The Definitive Guide to DaVinci Resolve 15 is a hands on training guide with step by step lessons that will tech you how to edit video, create visual effects and motion graphics, color correct images and mix audio with DaVinci Resolve 15.

This 3-day course covers the core fundamentals of editing, color grading, visual effects & audio in DaVinci Resolve 15. This course combines lecture and demonstration of techniques and features as well as ample time for hands-on exercises to begin to master this powerful application.
Date: May 31st - June 2nd, 2019
Hours: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Address: 3400 Shelby Street, Ontario California 91764
Tel: 909-466-9600 Room rate are $89.00 per night
Nearest Airport: 2 miles Ontario International Airport
Price: $1495.00 USD get $200.00 off when you enroll before May 10th, 2019
To enroll call 909-452-8721 or email: info@hddisk.us.com