

Sponsor lacpug

If you or your company are interested in sponsoring we would love to talk to you. Sponsoring is easy and you reach thousands of dedicated digital video users and Post Production people.

Sponsor lacpug
lacpug asks for $500.00 per month for a six month commitment ($500x6 =$3000) to be considered a “sponsor.”

In return the Los Angeles Creative Pro User Group will place your banner <125 pixels x 125 pixels> no larger or smaller, animated or not> on the home page for a period of 6 months beginning as soon as payment arrives. At the end of this 6 month period, you will have the option to renew sponsorship or cancel altogether. Renewal price will be determined by lacpug at that time.

In addition to the banner you have rights to a table in the lobby at all lafcpug meetings for the period of your sponsorship. (NOTE: We must be given at least one month advance notice if you desire a table) In addition Lacpug promises to include your URL as part of its Monthly newsletter to its membership (4000+ as of this writing) thanking you for your support.

In addition lacpug guarantees you the right to submit two press releases or "specials" during the 6 month period to be included in our newsletter. (Note: lacpug reserves the right to edit and/or rewrite your press release or special to fit the style of it's news letter)

In addition lacpug guarantees you the right to present your product(s) on stage at one of the meetings during the six month sponsorship.

lacpug reserves the right to cancel the agreement at any time within this specified 6 month period with guarantee of money back, pro rated to date of cancellation.

Lacpug guarantees no special privilege beyond what is stated above.

What we cannot offer you is exclusivity or the right to tell us who and what we can book for our monthly live meets.

Sponsoring lacpug is saying you support community. And that says something.

About Lacpug:
The “Los Angeles Creative Pro User Group”, (lafcpug) was established in June of 2000 by a few dozen folks who had been meeting regularly on the forums of LAFCPUG, as it was called back then was created simply for a chance to meet face to face and share our experiences and concerns surrounding Final Cut Pro and Post Production. It is founded and run by Michael Horton.

LAFCPUG became the Los Angeles Creative Pro User Group (LACPUG) in Sept. of 2012. This name change was to simply reflect what this group had become over the years. We don't care what tools you use, we only care what you do with the tools you use.

Our monthly meets usually consist of Editing tips and techniques, interviews with working editors, new software and/or hardware demos and lots time to network.

Most of the people who attend our monthly meets are editors, colorists and content creators. We do not ask or share names and emails of people who are members or attend our monthly meets. Monthly meets are open to the public

We are the single largest User Group dedicated to Digital Video Users and Post Production people in the world.

lacpug meets once a month at the Gallery Theater in Hollywood where between 150 and 300 attend the meetings.

If interested in sponsoring simply e-mail Michael Horton at and join the worlds largest Digital Video UG

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