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June 17, 2009
Happy 9th Birthday lafcpug!
Get out of the house and into lafcpug.
Join us as we celebrate the 9th birthday of lafcpug. Who'd have thought.
We will welcome Owen Walker from Adobe who will walk us through RED/Adobe Premiere 4.1 workflow. Owen will aslo show us some of the new features in 4.1.
Also SmartSound's Stephanie Joyce will be here to show us the new Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug in for Final Cut Pro. The new Sonicfire Pro plug in provides Final Cut users with true round tripping via a seamless integration that reads and imports your FCP timeline markers.
Also Motion 3 Guru Andy Neil will be showing off Motion's graphical design capabilities and how to animate those graphics with behaviors. He'll also show how simple but powerful tools like replicators can be used to recreate complicated special effects like the transporter from the new Star Trek film.
DVD Guru Bruce Nazarian will make a VERY special announcement on the world of Blu-ray you will not want to miss.
Plus Stump the Gurus, Show and Tells, World Famous Raffle and a cake with candles.
Meetings are open to public. Come one come all. Doors open at 6:00PM
A $5.00 donation will be requested at the door.
Agenda (Subject to change)
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
Join FCP Gurus Andrew Balis, Philip Hodgetts and Ann Mendenhall as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCS. If they can't solve your problem or answer your question, then you go home with a problem, but you still got out of the house, so that's not a bad thing.
7:15PM - 7:25PM - Announcements
A chance for you and anyone to get up in front of everyone and announce what needs to be said.
7:25PM - 7:40PM - Motion 3 - Andy Neil
Motion 3 Guru Andy Neil will be showing off Motion's graphical design capabilities and how to animate those graphics with behaviors. He'll also show how simple but powerful tools like replicators can be used to recreate complicated special effects like the transporter from the new Star Trek film.
7:45PM - 8:30PM - RED/Adobe Premiere 4.1 workflow. - Owen Walker
Owen Walker from Adobe who will walk us through RED/Adobe Premiere 4.1 workflow. Owen will aslo show us some of the new features in 4.1.
8:30PM - 9:00PM - Break
In the lobby will be CalDigit showing off their storage solutions. Also Veescope Live will be in lobby. Also JLCooper will be in the lobby showing off thier awesome control surfaces. Also Also lafcpug meeting sponsor MelroseMac will be in lobby answering all your questions and hopefully showing off new toys. And Pizza from Chef Jeff Stansfield
The break is a chance to hang out and meet and greet and get your problems solved and who knows, get a job. You never know who you are going to meet at lafcpug. Snacks and Beer and Wine will be on sale in the lobby. Proceeds go to the Gallery Theater.
9:00PM - 9:10PM - The State of Blu-Ray - Bruce Nazarian
DVD Guru Bruce Nazarian will make a VERY special announcement on the world of Blu-ray you will not want to miss.
9:10PM - 9:40PM - Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug in for Final Cut Pro - Stephanie Joyce
SmartSound's Stephanie Joyce will be here to show us the new Sonicfire Pro Plug in for Final Cut Pro. The new Sonicfire Pro plug in provides Final Cut users with true round tripping via a seamless integration that reads and imports your FCP timeline markers. SmartSound's always been on the cutting edge of production music with their patented technology that automatically edits any of their high quality production music to the length you need, giving you control of musical instruments in the track, and now you have all the power in a great plug in! Raffle prize is a free copy of SmartSound Sonicfire Pro Scoring Edition with the *NEW AND AWESOME* Final Cut Pro Plug In! $149.99 Value.
9:45PM - 9:55PM - TBA - Show and Tell
9:55PM - World famous Raffle
Copy of CS4 Production Premium - Adobe
Copy of Sonicfire Pro - SmartSound
E51 Multimedia Console Desk and Monitor Bridge- Edit5 Consoles
2 free Stock Footage Clips - Artbeats
2 VIP Derby Doll Seats -
Mocha for Final Cut - Imagineer Systems
$200 towards MotionVFX Templates - MotionVFX
$100.00 towards tape services - Timecode Multimedia
Sound Effects - Hollywood Edge
2 Copies "Edit Well" - Peachpit Press
$200 free Stock Footage Clips - Pond5
Copy of UserMatic - EditGroove
Motion Graphics templates and Effects - SugarFX
Crowd Control Pre Keyed Footage - AllBetsAreOff
Pre Keyed HD Footage Suite - Ribbit Films
Copy of VeeScope Live - VeeScope Live
$100.00 off or towards any Digital Heaven products - Digital Heaven
100 credits for the royalty free stock video clips of your choice - Revolution Stock Media
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV
50% off Training class at Moviola - Moviola
Plug-in package of your choice - Lyric Media
How to get to the Gallery Theater at Barnsdall Art Park
Click here for Google Map
Click HERE to download a PDF(300K) of the grounds that points out the parking areas and includes other helpful hints.
The Gallery Theater at Barnsdall Art Park
4800 Hollywood Boulevard
(between Vermont and Normandie)
Hollywood, CA 90027
Phone: 323.644.6272
Enter through the gate on Hollywood Blvd just West of Berendo. The theater is at the top of the hill, adjacent to the art gallery.
From US 101 (heading South),
take the Hollywood Boulevard exit.
Turn left at the end of the exit ramp onto Hollywood Boulevard.
Turn right into the entrance to Barnsdall Art Park at 4800 Hollywood Boulevard. (you will only see a parking lot. Drive to top of hill to find the Gallery Theater)
The Gallery Theater is in the center of the park.
From US 101 (heading North),
take the Vermont Avenue exit.
Turn right at the end of the exit ramp onto Vermont Avenue.
Turn left onto Hollywood Boulevard.
Turn left into the entrance to Barnsdall Art Park at 4800 Hollywood Boulevard. (you will only see a parking lot. Drive to top of hill to find the Gallery Theater)
The Gallery Theater is in the center of the park.
Metro Red Line
Yes, Los Angeles has a subway and if possible you ought to use it. Riders are dropped of at Sunset and Vermont, one long block from the Art Park. More info on the Red Line can be found here.
Note on Parking: Parking is FREE. There is ample parking on top of hill near the Art Park. Parking extends around the perimeter of the Park. NOTE: Please park your car diagonally even though the spaces are not marked that way. If there are no spaces to park at top, then use parking lot at bottom of hill near Hollywood Blvd. Click HERE to download a PDF(300K) of the grounds that points out the parking areas and includes other helpful hints.
Wheelchair access: Park in the lot next to the Hollyhock house (you will see a handicap parking sign), come into the theatre entrance, and take the elevator down. There will be space in the front of the theatre for wheelchairs.
Before or after the meeting, there is a fine restaurant row on Vermont between Hollywood and Franklin (just around the corner from the park). There are also a number of funky ethic eateries along Hollywood Blvd.
digital projection made possible through the generous sponsorship of
Apple Computer and the Pixel Corps
with additional support from Adobe Systems, AJA, ProMax Systems,
BIAS, Inc. DigitalFilm Tree, and Gefen Inc.
lafcpug meetings are presented in association with the
Barnsdall Gallery Theatre, a facility of the City of Los Angeles
Department of Cultural Affairs