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lafcpug meetings are sponsored by ProMax and we are grateful

Get out of the house and into lafcpug!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Join us as bring you another fun filled night of learning, networking and all things digital movie making. Karl Soule will come down and show off the just announced Adobe Production Premium CS5.
Michael Alberts will show off Loader 2.0 from Digital Heaven.
Got Avid jealousy? Need more robust media management in FCP? Want to be able to rename clips, media files and not worry about timecode and reel name and still do perfectly conformed sequences? Wait no more: Matchback Magic makes its debut at lafcpug. Philip Hodgetts will will show off.
Ever had trouble coming up with a montage? Sometimes it's tough to make sense of the footage that you have available for montages, and sometimes the lightning of inspiration simply refuses to strike. XMiL Dicer is a tool that can help in those situations. It will take the shots of your Final Cut Pro sequence, shuffle them around, and put them back into you sequence in random order - all at the press of one single button.
Plus, another round of Stump the Gurus, FCS Tips, show and tells, and of course, World Famous Raffle. Also there will be time for you to get up in front of everyone and say what you need to say. Agenda will be inked about one week before meeting date.
lafcpug generally meets every 4th Wednesday of the Month
Meetings are open to public and ALL beginning through advanced FCS users and Digital Story Tellers are welcome
First come best seat.
Admission is $5.00 at the door. No registration required for this meeting