

Note: Efective June 2025 I am going to retire running Lacpug, so understand that before you request membership. What happens after I retire, we just have to wait and see.

So...... ya want to become a member.

Becoming a member is easy. Just click HERE, tell us who you are, and boom, you're a member. Or send an email to Michael Horton at: Make sure Membership is in the subject field. You will immediately be put on the lacpug mailing list and have first opportunity to learn of the next meeting, receive the monthy e-mail newsletter that keeps you up with what is going on in the digital moviemaking world, as well as receive other benefits.

Can you join if you don't live in Southern California?
Sure! We have members from all over the world, and we welcome you with open arms.

Does joining mean I can post on the forums?
No. You don't need to join lafcpug to post on the forums. The forums are open to anyone. But we do require that you register to post on the forums. Joining lacpug and registering to post on the forums are two seperate things.

We would also appreciate it if you would take a minute to tell us who you are, where you're from and where you heard of us. No obligation here. We just think it's fun to know.

Click here for the lacpug Privacy Policy, written in plain English

Meetings will be held every fourth Wednesday of the month at the Gallery Theater in East Hollywood. Why? Because it simply sounds better than every third Wednesday of the month.

Thanks for joining and see you at the next meeting.

NOTE: If you do not recieve the weekly newsletter it is due most likely to the following:

Your mailbox is full
Your mail server believes the lacpug newsletter is spam (the title of the lafcpug newsletter is "lacpug news")
You have an EDU, GOV, MIL or large corporation email address. Most of those consider the newsletter Spam. Do not use that email when joining lafcpug.
There is temporary trouble with your mail server
There is nothing I can do about the above problems I'm afraid.

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