Timelines in Final Cut Pro X 10.1
March, 2014
Timelines in Final Cut Pro X 10.1
By Richard Taylor
In Final Cut Pro X 10.1, you edit in a timeline. Just as in previous versions of Final Cut Pro, there are two types of timelines, Project timelines and Compound Clip timelines. Every Project equals a single timeline.
In prior versions of Final Cut Pro, I mainly used Compound Clip timelines to eliminate using a two folder system. One folder for Events and one folder for Projects. Working with a single Event folder using Compound Clip timelines made media management and archiving much simpler.
The Final Cut Pro team changed 10.1 to a similar one folder system with Libraries. But even with 10.1's single Library system, I still find myself using Compound Clip timelines along with Project timelines. In this tutorial I'm going to go over some of the advantages of using each kind of timeline.
Richard Taylor is an Editor/Producer and a Level 2 Apple Certified Trainer for Final Cut Pro X from the Washington DC/Baltimore Maryland area. He can be reached via his Final Cut Pro X website FCPX.TV or on Twitter @RichardTaylorTV
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