Review: Mac OS X: Visual QuickStart Guide OS 10.1 |

June, 2002
OS X: Visual QuickStart Guide
OS 10.1
Published by Peachpit Press
By Maria Langer
ISBN 0-321-11631-3
List price: $19.99 U.S.
280 pages
Review By Ken
Book excerpts follow review.
You can purchase 'Mac OS X: Visual QuickPro
Guide' from the lafcpug
the release of version 3.0.2 planned development for Final Cut
Pro under Mac OS 9 has ended. All future development will be
under Mac OS X". Quote from Apple on the FCP 3.0.2 updater
After reading the proceeding announcement
from Apple I headed out to my local book store and purchased
several OS X books. To be honest, my main concern was how does
OS X deal with Final Cut Pro, what has changed from OS 9 and
what do I have to learn in order to manage FCP properly. One
of the books I purchased was the Peachpit Press 'Mac OS X (10.1)
Visual QuickStart Guide by Maria Langer.
This book is true to the Peachpit
Press Visual QuickStart Guide tradition, coming in at under 300
pages. No excess verbiage here. The book is written in a brief,
clear and clean style that is typical of VQG books. The book
is structured in a step by step fashion and walks the reader
through each lesson by the numbers. There are also a number of
helpful 'tips' as you progress through the material. This book
covers OS X in an introductory manner.
- Introduction to Mac OS X
- Setting Up Mac OS X
- Finder Basics
- File Management
- Advanced Finder Techniques
- Application Basics
- Using Mac OS Applications
- Using TextEdit
- Printing
- Connecting to the Internet
- Using Sherlock
- Using Mac OS i-Applications
- AppleScript Basics
- Getting Help
- Menus and Keyboard Equivalents
With Mac OS X VQG open on the desk
next to me and OS X running on my Mac I worked my way through
the book in a short amount of time. The book did exactly what
I wanted, it introduced me to OS X. I was able to customize my
Finder window the way I wanted and to explore those facets of
the operating system that had changed from OS 9. This is not
an in depth OS X book nor is it meant to be. This book offers
a comfortable route to getting started with OS X and has a comfortable
street price of $13.99.
Book Excerpt from Mac OS X: Visual
QuickPro Guide.
By Maria Langer
HTML re-creation
Page 83
Burning CDs
If your Macintosh includes a CD-R
drive or SuperDrive,you can write,or burn,files onto blank CD-R
media.This is a great way to archive important files that you
don 't need on your computer 's hard disk and to share files
with other computer users.
This part of
the chapter provides one technique for burning a CD with the
Finder's Burn Disc command. You can also burn CDs or DVDs from
within iTunes, iDVD, or other third party utilities such as Roxio
Toast. iTunes and iDVD are discussed in Chapter 11 .
To burn a CD
Insert a blank CD-R disc into your com- puter 's CD-R drive or
A dialog like the one in Figure 55 appears. Enter a suitable
name for the disc in the edit box and click Prepare.
Wait while your computer prepares the disc. When it is finished,a
CD disc icon appears on the desktop (Figure 56 ).
Drag the files you want to write on the disc onto the disc icon
or into the open disc window (Figure 57 ).
Wait while your computer copies the files.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all files you want on the disc have
been copied.
Choose File >Burn Disc (Figure 58 ).
A confirmation dialog like the one in Figure 59 appears. Click
Wait while your computer prepares, burns and verifies the disc.
A Burn Disc window (Figure 60 )reports its progress. When it
disappears, the disk is ready.
Pages 88-89
Customizing the Toolbar
The toolbar,which is discussed
in Chapter 2, can be customized to include buttons and icons
for a variety of commands and items.
When you customize
the toolbar,your changes affect the toolbar in all windows in
which the toolbar is displayed.
To customize the toolbar
With any Finder window open and the toolbar displayed,choose
View >Customize Toolbar (Figure 7 ).Toolbar customization
options appear in the current window (Figure 8 ).
To add an item to the toolbar, drag it from the center part of
the window to the position you want it to occupy in the tool-
bar (Figure 9 ). When you release the mouse button the item appears
(Figure 10).
To remove an item from the toolbar, drag it from the toolbar
into the center part of the window (Figure 11 ). When you release
the mouse button, the item disappears (Figure 12 ).
To rearrange the order of items on the toolbar, drag them into
the desired position (Figure 13 ). When you release the mouse
button, the items are rear- ranged (Figure 14 ).
To specify how items should appear on the toolbar, choose an
option from the Show pop-up menu at the bottom of the window
(Figure 15 ):
Text displays both the icon and the icon 's name (Figure 14 ).
Only displays only the icon (Figure 16 ).
Only displays only the name of the icon (Figure 17 ).
When you are finished making changes, click Done to hide the
toolbar customi- zation options and return to your view of the
You can add
any icon to the toolbar. Simply drag the icon from a window to
the toolbar of the window.The item appears where you placed it.To
remove the icon,drag it out of the toolbar.It is not necessary
to display toolbar custom- ization options.
To restore the
toolbar to its
default settings
With any Finder window displaying the toolbar open, choose View
>Customize Toolbar (Figure 7 ). Toolbar customization options
appear in the window (Figure 8 ).
Drag the group of items in a box near the bottom of the window
to the toolbar (Figure 18 ). When you release the mouse button,
the toolbar's default items appear (Figure 8).
Click Done to hide the toolbar customization options and return
to your view of the window.
Mac OS X: Visual QuickStart Guide, (pages
83 and 88-89) copyright © 2002, by Maria Langer, published
by Peachpit Press. Reproduced by permission of Pearson Education,
Inc. and Peachpit Press.
You can purchase 'Mac OS X: Visual QuickPro
Guide' from the lafcpug
For a list of bookstores who carry Peachpit
Press books call (800) 283-9444 or visit
Review copyright © 2002
This article first appeared on and is reprinted here
with permission.
All screen captures and
textual references are the property and trademark of their creators/owners/publishers.