A long time ago, in a version far
far way, when the Universe was rendered in RGB, there was a 'first'
set of plugins. We knew not their origin nor creator, we knew
only the name, Eureka. The forces of YUV swept in around the
time of 1.5. driving the leader of Eureka, 'Romantic Text' from
the Galaxy. Now, re-written for YUV and FCP 4.0.1, Eureka is
Available as both a download and
on CD, Eureka provides an installer as well as a folder with
the older versions of Eureka plugins for FCP 1.0 to 1.2.1. A
number of new plugins have been added to the set.
The Video Transitions offer some
interesting new choices, my favorite is the 'Film Dissolve' transition.
I rendered out all of the transitions and found that I liked
many of them with a bit longer duration, between 1 and 1 1/2
seconds. A chance to see the effect. The quality is excellent,
motion smooth.

In the Video Filters section there
are several 'Film' filters, Film Grain and Film Motion and Film
Look Suite, which combines several different filmic parameters.
A number of new filters have been added like Footage Counter
but the classics are still there; Silk Stocking, Film Grain and
Chroma Glow. There are some more utilitarian filters; RGB Channel
Control, RGB Color Correction, and Selective Color Correction.
The new Strobe Dissolve filter when used with appropriate video
is very exciting.

There is even a 'Video Look' filter,
which begs the question, why would anyone want to make video
look like video. Actually, this filter is useful as it produces
TV 'scan lines' to simulate viewing on a TV set.

Video Generators contains several
of the old classic Eureka generators, re-written of course, Outline
Text and Romantic Text. There is a 'Real 7.5 Black' generator
to replace the Black Slug that comes with FCP. This generator
has been set to 6% RGB and should provide a more accurate black
level. There is a slider control so you can make further adjustments
when monitoring output with external scopes.

From the Eureka 4.0 Read me. "There
is a KNOWN ISSUE with the plugins. Some of the plugins, when
you slide the sliders for input or scrub video quickly, will
flash a red screen in the video window (Canvas or Viewer) stating
that there is an "unknown error." I am working with
Apple on a resolution. This will not affect the rendering of
the plugin and only affects slower machines. Sorry!"
Eureka controls are straight forward and offer subtle control of the parameters for fine tuning. At $49 this is a very handsome package. I did find the "unknown error" thing a bit annoying. It is not possible to show here what the transitions actually look like, but take a minute and go to Eureka and see for yourself. These plugins are great, include a number of classic as well as new items and when rendered, really look great on NTSC.
Welcome back Eureka.
copyright © Ken Stone 2003
This article first appeared on www.kenstone.net and is reprinted here
with permission.
All screen captures and
textual references are the property and trademark of their creators/owners/publishers.