Review: Core
Melt Image Flow Fx 1.0.1 |
August, 2007
Melt Image Flow Fx 1.0.1
For Final Cut Pro and Motion
CoreMelt $99.00
Review by Steve
Industries and Core Melt have brought to their ever growing number
of plug ins an exciting new package of 12 Fx plug ins designed
to make the creation of motion graphics using still images that
much easier. This is not your typical slideshow presentation
but is an excellent time saving set of plug-ins which allow you
to select multiple styles of frames with your images, adjust
animation with multiple presets or manually set animations, and
control of tempo. All the effects render natively on the GPU
on both Intel and PPC Macs. On my 2Ghz pre intel-chipped G5 I
was pleased how quickly these plug ins rendered.
These Fx plugs surprised me with
how well they functioned and how easy they were to manipulate.
In Motion, changes on the go went smoothly and without software
hesitation. One of the plug ins, Liquify, when used with the
slow preset, appears to actually morph one still to another.
This was a great effect, and once more, I bemoan the fact that
you cannot see this take place as you read this review. Never
the less, it works great and provides you with the ability to
adjust the tempo and length of time allotted to each still image.
Each still's feature
literally morphs into the next. A generous choice of masks and
frames are also at your disposal.
While you do not need to purchase Noise
Industries FX Factory package to buy the Core Melt plug-ins,
you do need to have FX Factory already installed to utilize the
Core Melt software. Each of the Core Melt Image Flow Fx plug-ins
can be found in your generators folders either in Final Cut or
Motion. Once located, you simply drag the generator over to the
Final Cut timeline or hit 'Apply' in Motion and open up the generator's
controls. In the controls you then go to the Image Folder, choose
which folder of images you wish to use and viola, its done. The
only thing left to do is to adjust the timing of the images,
the tempo of changes and check out how each of the presets may
affect the presentation.
The Polaroid plug in will save you plenty
of time as you simply choose the folder of images you want to
use. Once you have this you can forget about having to key frame
your dissolve to white transitions and effects; your work time
has been cut by 2/3's easy.
Caught in mid flash,
it took me about 30 seconds to apply the Core Melt Polaroid plug
import the folder, adjust the timing and bring in a background
The Panels Transition had several choices enabling one image
to segue to another within a panels formation. You have the option
of panels dissolving, replacing or spinning into your next image.
Full adjustment for
the scale of your images is standard on all the Image Melt Plug
ins. Here I have one image spinning in panels into my next.
The Multi Grow, Multi Fader and Multi Swoosh plugs ins are similar
to each other except that each has different animations presets
that allow for the images to grow into, fade or fly into the
frame from an assortment of angles as the previous image or images
are passing out. The motion paths of the animated images are
easy to adjust. Even though your folder may have many images,
you can limit the number of images used within the parameter
Each one of these plug ins provide similar but significantly different applications guaranteed to save you an abundance of tweaking and key framing time.
The Random Move Over and Dissolve over plug ins provide the same
easy to use parameters, apply the generator, pick a folder and
you are off and creating in record breaking time. There are also
a Zoom Up and a Zoom In and Stop plug ins that do effortlessly
what their names imply.

The Dissolve over
can be adjusted via its blend mode and preset choices.

The Random Move over
easily masked images with an abundance of choices from this simple
circle to a jigsaw puzzle effect.

The Stills Grid plug
in does just that; create a changing grid of images.
Is this collection perfect? Nothing is perfect. . In future versions,
I would like to have the ability to choose files, as well as
folders, so that an entire folder of images would not have to
be imported. While you can control the number of images used
in the generator you cannot choose which images within the folder
are to be used. Perhaps the ability to key frame the generous
supply of masks and frames so that one frame per application
was not the only choice would be nice. I'm nit picking though.
I did attempt to use video files with these generators and, as
I had expected, this collection is for still images only. It
didn't hurt to try.
My bottom line is that over all, this
is one super collection of plug ins. They are easy to use, provide
for very real world editing needs and were stable as a rock for
me. There is not a single generator within this collection that
would be only useful on some bizarro world. You really do get
your money's worth. There is a trial demo at the CoreMelt website
and I wouldn't hesitate to tell you to give it a shot. You'll
be amazed at just how much time this collection can save you.
Especially for those who frequently incorporate still images
into their productions, Santa has come early.
Steve Douglas is a certified Apple Pro for Final Cut Pro
and underwater videographer. A winner of the 1999 Pacific Coast
Underwater Film Competition, 2003 IVIE competition, 2004 Los
Angeles Underwater Photographic competition, and the prestigious
2005 International Beneath the Sea Film Competition, where he
also won the Stan Waterman Award for Excellence in Underwater
Videography and 'Diver of the Year', Steve was a safety diver
on the feature film "The Deep Blue Sea", contributed
footage to the Seaworld Park's Atlantis production, and a recent
History channel MegaDisaster show. Steve is one of the founding
organizers of the San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition and leads
both underwater filming expeditions and African safaris with
upcoming excursions to Kenya & Lembeh Straits in Indonesia
in 2007, the Coco Islands, Costa Rica & Truk Lagoon in 2008
and safari in Africa for 2009. Feel free to contact him if you
are interested in joining Steve on any of these exciting trips.
copyright © Steve
Douglas 2007
This article first appeared
on and
is reprinted here with permission.
All screen captures and textual references are the property and
trademark of their creators/owners/publishers.