Review: ANIM
Jewels NTSC and PAL - by CGM
March, 2004 
Jewels NTSC and PAL - by CGM
ANIM Jewels NTSC and PAL by CGM
High quality 3D-Animations
delivered as QuickTime movies on DVD-R to use in your own productions
(DV NTSC, 720x480). Can be used on all QuickTime compatible editing
Available collections:
1 Earth Collection - DVD-R / 960
MB - $59
2 Wedding Rings - DVD-R / 690 MB - $49
3 Background Patterns Collection - DVD-R / 450 MB - $49
4 Curtain, Album, Flag - DVD-R / 600 MB - $44
All collections together (1, 2, 3 and 4): DVD-R / 2700 MB - $109
Review By Steve
For the editor, one way to save
a great deal of time creating eye-catching graphics is to use
pre-produced animations. There are several companies whose graphics
I have used or have in storage for that one day when I need something
special and which fits the bill. Digital Juice is one such company
whose advertising is omnipresent in most every video and editing
magazine and whose products are of high quality.
Well, there's a new gunslinger
in town and that is CGM's latest production of Animations called
Anim Jewels. The Anim Jewels collection of motion graphics consists
of 4 separate themes, 1) Earth Collection 2) Wedding Rings 3)
Background Patterns and 4) Curtains, Album and Flags. These can
be purchased as separate collections or as a package containing
For a relatively small collection
of animations, I think you will find that they are both diverse
and of exceptionally high quality at a very reasonable price.
Each clip runs at different lengths with the storybook opening
in 8 seconds, the loopable custom backgrounds at 3 secs, the
lights and flyng rings extend to 30 sec, the two types of Earth
approaches run 7 seconds, a neat lens flair runs 6 seconds and
the attractive animated backgrounds run 16 seconds.
One very nice animation is of a
photo album opening up and zooming into a centered picture. By
using both the animated movie and the supplied alpha version
of the same movie, it is very easy to place your own video or
still shot in that space. The entire clip runs 8 seconds and
is a nice way to begin a story or introduce a documentary topic.
I just wish you could view the entire clip on this site. It reminds
me of the old Shirley Temple TV show where each episode began
with her sitting down with a large book and, as it opened, the
child was drawn into the story. Pretty much the same thing here.
Another approach to story telling is
the use of the ubiquitous curtains opening and closing. Klaus
Eiperle has supplied two versions of curtains, one with a stage
in the foreground and the other without. These both come with
their respective alpha channel clips for a variety of creative
uses by you, the editor.
For the wedding videographer the Anim
Jewels collection supplies a nicely done series of animated gold
rings which, when used together with the lens flair clips and
the alpha versions, produces a beautiful set of wedding rings
flying together amidst your choice of background animations,
text and whatever video clips are appropriate.
While I have seen several different Earth
Approach and Spinning Globe animations, I must say that I like
the ones supplied in the Anim Jewels collection the best. The
animations, with their duplicate Alpha clips, come at you or
away from you in a dynamic manner.
When using the golden or red globes along
with some very nice background animations it is possible to produce
a really eye catching motif. You'll have to use your imagination
when viewing these single images but they really are quite electrifying.
Another series of supplied animations
are the CGM flags waving in both real time and slow mo. These
clips are fully loopable so adjusting the duration of the clip
is not a problem. The flags in these clips represent the U.S.A,
the U.K, Scotland and Canada. Don't ask me why Klaus included
Scotland here. I was there a few years ago and couldn't understand
half of what people said. Nice pubs there though. A nice animated
sky background is also supplied but it would be easy enough to
shoot your own.
When all is said and done, most of the
animated clips I have viewed on the market are professionally
done with very high quality. A major drawback is that they are
very expensive to purchase. If you are not a part of a major
bucks production house their cost might be prohibitive when you
think about really only wanting a few of the clips of the many
that you must pay for anyway.
In addition, CGM also includes on the
disc workshops and sequences in Final Cut Pro, which show you
how to get the same effects and usage as the CGM site shows in
their demo productions. A very welcome addition to many, I am
CGM now provides you with, while not
the largest collection, a quantity of useful animations of the
highest quality, at a most reasonable price. The entire collection
of the 4 themes, Earth, Weddings, Background Patterns and Curtain,
Album and Flag can be purchased for only $109.00. If you only
want one of the theme collections that can be done as well, with
the Earth Collection at $59.00, the Wedding Rings and Background
Patterns Collections at $49.00 and the Curtain, Album and Flag
Collections for only $44.00.
It is nice that both you and your wallet
will survive this welcome bonus to your video library of tools.
Steve Douglas
Steve Douglas has been an underwater videographer and
contributor to numerous film festivals around the world. The
winner of the 1999 Pacific Coast Underwater Film Competition
and the 2003 IVIE competition, Steve has also worked on the feature
film "The Deep Blue Sea" and is one of the principal
organizers of the San Diego UnderSea Film Festival. Steve leads
both African safari and underwater filming expeditions around
the world with World Films and Travel based in San Diego and
Tennessee. Feel free to contact him.
Review copyright ©
Steve Douglas 2004
CGM DVE Complete is available
at the lafcpug
This article first
appeared on and is reprinted here
with permission.
All screen captures and
textual references are the property and trademark of their creators/owners/publishers.