This DVD is a step-by-step primer on
managing p2 card DVCProHD footage acquired with the HVX200 from
pre-production through post to archival. But it doesn't stop
there. Color correction, HVX200 hardware and software peripherals,
metadata management, SD DVD authoring and more are examined
all in a fast-paced, never miss-a-beat presentation. Over two
hours of instructional content and "real world" tips
are distilled into workflow topics specific to p2-based "data
centric" acquisition, use, and archival. While the DVD includes
Final Cut Studio specific tutorials, most of the information
is useful to both sides of the aisle.
The DVD is narrated by Noah Kadner, an
Apple Certified Instructor, videographer, director, and host
at various web sites for professional video users including 2-pop and dvxuser,
among others. HVX200 basic capabilities are introduced, but the
disc is not intended as a primer on using the cam. Instead, Kadner
provides "soup to nuts" alternatives to managing p2
card data depending on your production setting. General topics
include an overview of the cam and p2 data technology, production
and post production strategies, and advanced workflows that evaluate
specific software and hardware generic to the HVX200.

For example, several chapters detail
various p2 card management techniques using suggested best practices
and software designed to reach a specific goal. This includes
metadata management using p2 Log Pro, HD Log, and Panasonic's
recently released Mac compatible p2 Content Management Software
(PCMS). Some tips are as simple as using red tape to identify
which p2 cards have been offloaded after a shoot. The narrator
often uses screen captures to detail how the software works to
achieve a goal.

As I stated, the DVD is geared in part to demonstrating specific
Final Cut Studio 2 workflows for HVX200 footage. These demonstrations
are detailed and comprehensive. They include electing the correct
FCP "easy setup" for 720p and 1080i sequence/timelines,
removing pulldown for 1080i/24pa footage, use of the FCP modal
dialog box for log and transfer ingest of p2 data, open format
timelines, and using the media manager to efficiently archive
finished projects for future editing. Kadner also demonstrates
native MXF editing using dvfilm's Raylight for the Macintosh,
and capturing directly into Final Cut Pro via firewire. Other
sections deal with the Firestore FS-100 from Focus Enhancements,
loading meta data to camera and cards with p2 Log Pro and HD
Log. A thorough discussion of the functionality of Panasonic's
p2 management software for the Macintosh is provided.

The remaining topics pertain to Macintosh-based
post production. They include the necessary steps to create a
SD DVD from DVCProHD footage including encoding choices in Compressor
and workflow in DVD Studio Pro. Kadner also briefly introduces
the capabilities of Color, Apple's high-end color correction
application that is bundled with Final Cut Pro Studio 2. Note
that the Callbox offers a separate DVD that details the capabilities
of Color. (Digital
Color Correction - The Final Cut Studio Workflow with Apple's
Color - $75.00). No information is provided on authoring
either blu ray DVDs in CS3 Encore or HD DVD discs with red laser
dye DVDs in DVD Studio Pro, however.
A separate chapter suggests essential hardware and software to
equip a minimum Macintosh based studio for editing HVX200 p2
video footage. Finally, the DVD examines magnetic, tape and optical
media strategies for archiving p2 data card video footage.
Kadner's narrative is easy-going and
informal. The workflow suggestions are based on what has worked
for him in using the HVX200 and p2 card data since the cam was
introduced. As I stated, while the DVD has a decided Final Cut
Pro bend, the tips, suggestions, explanations and examples apply
with equal force to any editing application or production environment.
The information is useful and the price is a value.
Copyright ©2007
David A. Saraceno
A. Saraceno is a motion graphics
artist located in Spokane, Washington. He has written for DV
Magazine, AV Video, MacHome Journal, and several state and national
legal technology magazines. David also moderates several forums