25, 2002-
Tonight we showed you
how to get your FCP Movie to the web and CD via Cleaner, discussed
the history of e-filmmaking, tips for compression settings, AND
how to use the trim edit window. Plus legendary Director John
Badham joined us to demo his own Shotmaster. And another round
of Stump the Gurus, awesome show and tells, and of course, World
Famous raffle.
Stump the Gurus was up first as usual with regulars Ken Stone, Andrew Balis and special guest Guru,
Steve Martin
Some of the questions asked and answered
Q.) How is FCP 3.0.2 and OS 10.2 (Jaguar)
getting along?
A.) Andrew, Steve and Ken all agreed that they felt there were
issues with 10.2 and all liked 10.1.3 with 3.0.2 best.
Q.) What should I be mixing audio levels
A.) There is no pat answer, however -12db is a good reference
point for DV. Tone is set for -12 so for TV it's a good idea
to try to mix to at least -12. To manipulate multiple clips select
all your clips and go to modify menu and select levels and choose
absolute or relative. Make changes there.
Q.)When I wake my computer up from sleep
mode my audio doesn't work.
A.) Dont let the Hard Drive sleep. Put the monitor to sleep.
Energy saver should never be used with FCP open or a deck attached.
Q.) I'm getting stuttering playback
A.) Stuttering is often a drive performance problem. Do a disk
check on the drives. make sure Viewer and Canvas is set to fit
to window and Apple Talk is off. Your might try as a last resort
to move your sequence into another project.
Q.) I'm trying to batch capture and all
is going well but I can't capture a few clips cause I get this
"Can't find scratch disk error."
A.) This is a known issue if you have a / (forward slash character
in your clip name) Delete the character and all should be well.
of the Month was up next and
who better to deliver, then Ripple Training's Steve
Martin. This month Steve told us all about the Trim
Edit Window in FCP which no one seems to be using judging
from the reaction that night.
Before Steve opened the Trim Edit window
he showed us a few cool edit tricks to cleanup a dialogue scene
in the timeline. Selecting the ripple tool, Steve had his playhead
parked on a clip, then hit the V key to go to the edit point
of that clip and then hit the U key to decide what side of the
edit point you wanted to work in.
To open the trim Edit window you need
only double-click the edit point (apple+7) to open. If your Trim
Edit window is to small, just make your canvas window bigger
and the Trim Edit window will correspond.
To decide which side of the trim window
you want to use or are using, hit the U key. See that green line?
Whatever side that green line is on is the side you are working
on. If the green line is across the entire top, well then your
going to be doing a roll edit
The little buttons at bottom of window
are the multi frame trim size and you can change the defaults
in your FCP preferences.
You can do ripple, roll and slip edits
in the trim window.
Steve admits the trim edit window can
be counter intuitive. Hitting the + frames doesn't add to your
clip, it looses from the clip. The opposite happens with -H.
You can't do asymmetrical edits in the
trim window.
The Trim Edit window can save you a lot
of time but it does take a bit of practice.
Tara Veneruso
was up next to talk a little about the"History of Web filmmaking"
and a few tips on getting your FCP movie to the Web. This was
sort of a scaled down version of a seminar Tara gives to Film
Fests around the world.
She began by showing a clip of what was
probably the first "popular" web movie, "The Spirit
of Christmas," featuring the characters from South park.
It was apparently one of the first movies to be e-mailed from
peer to peer and shortly there after, the creators got them selves
a deal at Comedy Central.
Tara then showed us various clips from
around the world including a commercial which showed excellent
use of foreground action being still and background action moving,
which is a strong point in any web movie/.
Tara took us to some very cool web sites,
one of which was named thenewvenue.com.
It's is a wonderful place to make your own web movie and gather
a few nice tips along the way. Click on Flick Tips. Another is
D film which has an interactive
animated movie making section which again is very cool.
Tara then showed us a few movie clips
that were made Palms and Cell Phone and she sees it as the future
especially for animated movie makers. She also sees a NLE available
for Palm.
Tara likes to streamline her movies in
Final Cut rather in Cleaner. She exports as a QT movie at highest
audio and video settings, uncheck the "prepare for internet
streaming box," and drop the exported file into Cleaner
and let Cleaner do the tweaking, not Final Cut or QuickTime.
She likes 360x240.
For more info and tons of web site links
go to Tara's web
first Show and Tell of the evening was from Filmmaker Mark
Shepherd who
showed us "ARE YOU IN" a 2 minute film, shot
on DVCAM (DSR-500) onlined on FCP2.0 and then transferred to
35mm by Digital Film Technologies Mark showed us a DVCAM from
the telecine from the 35mm transfer. It was the opening film
of the 2002 San Francisco INDIE Film Festival.
The film follows a character straight
out of Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" who is seemingly
having an inner monologue with himself searching for IT, or at
least how in the heck does nano-technology make any sense in
this modern world.
Mark is not only a filmmaker but owns
Digital Film Technologies.
director John
Badham and programmer Paul Messick were up next
with their Storyboard Tool, ShotMaster
which allows those of us who can't draw, an affordable solution
to the problems of story boarding your movie.
essentially is tool that allows you to manipulate your characters
into any position of the frame using a vast collection of included
clip art. You can import your own drawings if you wish but for
me, clip art is just fine. Each sequence includes not only your
story board but description of scene, location, special requirements
and Story Description.
You can change the color of each character's
wardrobe including hair color. You can import photos of backgrounds
and lay your characters into the fore ground.
You can print copies of the daily schedule
for your AD and Camera Crew so they have a good idea of what
is going to happen.
ShotMaster sells for only $99.00 and
you can download a free demo which is good for 30 days from the
ShotMaster web site.
For more info go to ShotMaster
and be sure to download a copy and play with it.
Show and Tell was from one of our Favorite Filmmakers,
Gregory Lemkin
who showed us a commercial he did for Microsoft's X-Box.
The spot, which began airing in Japan
a couple weeks ago, was shot in LA in one day and posted in FCP
3, and shows how HDCAM and FCP 3 can be a cost effective approach
for smaller budget commercials.
The commercial was down converted to
Beta SP and brought into FCP. Heavy compositing was done in AE
as FCP proved to be unable to handle it.
Final result was a funky "American"
style commercial.
Gregory said budget was $20,000 and could
not have been shot on film because of budget constraints.
Twas time to take a break so we all went
into the lobby and schmoozed with each other and looked at all
the cool toys that the folks from Promax were showing off.
Larry Jordan was up next
and he is becoming one of our favorite presenters. This time
Larry had the daunting task of showing us Cleaner
and giving us tips/trick on exporting your movie from FCP to
the web 25 minutes to do it. Larry covered topics such as:
Export video from FCP
How to create best-looking video for the bandwidth available
Key Cleaner settings
Bandwidth control
Image quality
Secrets of the batch list
Preview of Cleaner 6
And yes he did it in 25 minutes Buy the
DVD. It's a must.
Larry feels everything you know about
creating Video for the Web is wrong. Motion is deadly, transitions
are bad, handheld is not a good idea, and steady is. But he won't
debate you, so there.
Larry says export your movie as a FCP
Movie, NOT a QT Movie and dont mess with options in the window
unless movie is for your Grandmother.
Larry's Rules:
Shoot steady video
Edit with the web in mind
Compress with bandwidth in mind
Tweak image settings to optimize for the Mac, PC and the Web
Compress to popular file formats
Give yourself permission to experiment
Drop the exported file into Cleaner and
let the fun begin.
Larry opened the settings in Cleaner
and it's impossible to summarize here so let me just give you

Larry went through almost every setting
in Cleaner one can go through in 25 minutes and space cannot
list his choices here.
Larry likes you to clean up your audio
BEFORE you bring it into Cleaner. He feels Cleaner does a lousy
job here, but if you DO want Cleaner to do it, then Larry showed
us his favorite settings which again are to numerous to mention
here. He also says allow 1/2 second black at head and tail to
allow loading.
Finally Larry showed us a preview of
Cleaner 6 which is supposed to ship sometime this fall.
up was a dandy Show and Tell from Richard
Fauman and Kevin Leadingham named "National Public
Safety Football League"
While working on 3 one hour specials
about the US Marshals Crime Taskforce for TLC, Richard Fauman
and Kevin Leadingham discovered the National Public Safety Football
League, 1500 cops and firemen from across the nation who play
serious tackle football. They just completed this 30 minute documentary
and they showed a 3 minute trailer featuring the LAPD who won
the National Championship.
Shot with a PD 150 and a DSR 300A and
edited in FCP it is a great story, expertly told about a little
know segment of our culture.
show and tell was from lafcpug favorite Boogie Knights
director/writer Dean Chamberlain. This time Dean showed
us his latest creation he did with Director/Writer/ animator,
James Reitano.
The short is an animated/live action
Music Video shot in PAL and finished in NTSC. "Rapper Motion
Man and his DJ Kutmasta Kurt make their way through the pitfalls
of a suburban household. This music video was made in a style
reminiscent of 1970's GI Joe action figure commercials. Puppetry,
stop-motion and digital animation techniques were used.
Dean talked about shooting in PAL which
he says is great for it's richer color space and it DOES look
better than NTSC but you better have the equipment to support
shooting in PAL.
Check it out on the web soon at
World Famous Raffle rounded off the evening and we are grateful
to the following companies and people for their generosity.
Prizes include:
2 FCP Keyboard Keycharts - Neotron
T-shirts, Posters,
and Clip Boards - Tony
Edwards and Frys Electronics
Free FCP 101 class - Digital
1 copy of Visual
QuickPro Guide for FCP 3 - Lisa
5 $20.00 Gift Certificates - Poquito Mas Restaurants (Hey, we gotta eat)
1 copy Compression for Great Digital Video
1 copy Creating
Motion Graphics Vol 1, 2nd Edition
ShotMaster -John Badham and Paul Messick
DV Companion for FCP 3 - Intelligent
2 copies of VideoClix - VideoClix
Intelligent Assistant for
Graffiti 2 - Intelligent
1 T-shirt - kenstone.net
2 copies of lafcpug DVDs - lafcpug
Special thanks must go to Chris
Rogers, and Chriss Horgan for taking tickets. Ken
Stone for taking pics. Mark
Havener for doing the lights, Dan Brockett for taping the show, Ross Jones for being
our AV guy, and of course Promax
for footing the bill.
Michael Horton,