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This meeting is generously sponsored by ProMax
"The Other NLE's"
Yes Virginia, there are other NLEs out there and you need to see them. Join us as we bring Avid Xpress Pro 4.5,Sony Vegas 5, Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5, and Pinnacle Liquid Edition Pro 5.5 to lafcpug. Plus Stump the Gurus, World Famous Raffle, and Marco Torres and the students from the SFETT.
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
An "all Star" line up! Join FCP Guru, Ken Stone, and special guest Gurus, Philip Hodgetts of Intelligent Assistance, Steve Martin of Ripple Training, and direct from Denver Colorado, author and FCP Guru Jerry Hoffmann as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCP. If they can't solve your problem or answer your How 2, then you get your pick of the raffle table. Of course you still go home with your problem but you get your pick of the raffle table.
7:20PM - 7:50PM - Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 - Tina Eckman
Tina Eckman returns to lafcpug this time to demo the brand new Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5. Featuring support for the Panasonic 24P and 24PA, new project management tools, integration with PS and AE, support for HD, AAF and EDL, and many other "new" tools, Premiere Pro 1.5 is NOT your Fathers Premiere
7:50PM - 8:00PM - iCan Film Festival - Marco Torres and the students from SFETT
Apple Distinguished Educator Marco Torres and a few of his students from San Fernando High School's SFETT returns for his annual visit to lafcpug to talk briefly and show a trailer about the upcoming iCan 5 Student Film Fest. For those of you who don't know about SFETT you should check it out HERE. It's a great story.
8:00PM - 8:30PM - Avid Xpress Pro 4.5 - Tim Wilson
lafcpug favorite Tim Wilson returns. Longtime lafcpug members remember Tim Wilson from his numerous appearances demoing Boris RED, but now that Tim is the Senior Product Marketing Manager of Avid Xpress Pro, who better than to show it off. Featuring Multicam clip grouping, over 115 customizable real-time software effects, mixed resolutions in the timeline, real time timewarp effects, Windows XP and MacOSX versions in the same box and dozens more, Avid Xpress Pro 4.5 is NOT Xpress DV. Welcome back Tim. We missed you.
8:30PM - 8:50PM - Break
Lots happening during the break.
This is a chance to hang out and meet and greet and get your problems solved. Reps from Avid, Adobe, Sony Vegas and Pinnacle Liquid Edition will be set up in lobby to answer any and all questions you couldn't get answered during their presentation. Intelligent Assistance will also be in Lobby selling their latest creations, Practical Color Correction and Killer Titles for Calligraphy and LiveType. Author Lisa Brenneis will be selling a VERY limited supply of the brand new and just shipping Final Cut Pro HD: Visual QuickPro Guide for MacOSX. For the LOW LOW price of $20.00 (all profits from the sale go to benefit the voter registration grassroots organization ACT) Marco Torres and the kids from SFETT will be selling T-shirts ($5.00) and Posters ($1.00) to raise funds for thier film festival.
LaCie will also be in Lobby showing off and talking about the Big Disk Extreme
DV Creators will also be in lobby selling their latest and greatest DVD Tutorial, "DV Enlightenment" ($75.00) which will teach you all you need to know about lighting for DV. lafcpug will once again be selling "Lafcpug on DVD" past lafcpug meetings including the must have February meeting with Walter Murch. Price will be $20.00. Jerry Hoffmann will be selling a VERY limited supply of his book, Jerry Hoffmann on Final Cut Pro 4
Promax, will also have a table and will be able to answer any and all your hardware questions. Wow. A mini trade show in the lobby.
8:55PM - 9:25PM - Sony Vegas 5 - Timothy Duncan
Timothy Duncan is perhaps the countries premiere expert on Vegas and moderates the Vegas forum over at
Sony Vegas 5 users are perhaps the most loyal bunch of any NLE users. Heaven help you if you get into a verbal "shoot out" with these folks. Vegas features Multitrack video and audio editing on UNLIMITED tracks, over 190 customizable video effects, 3D track motion, keyframable bezier masks, 5:1 Surround, over 30 audio effects, Acid Loop support, Subtitle Time/Text Export to DVD Architect Software, 24P support and many others
9:30PM - 10:00PM - Pinnacle Liquid Edition Pro 5.5 - Paul Mitton
Producer and Editor Paul Mitton who also heads up the Edition User Group here in So Cal, will show off everything you want to know about Liquid Edition Pro 5.5. Edition features "dynamic" slow motion, support for networked drives, DVCPRO support, MIDI support, Real Time 3D, over 1000 RT effects, Timeline integrated DVD authoring, Background processing and many more.
10:00PM - 10:10PM - World Famous Raffle
Avid Xpress Studio Essentials- Avid (value $3995.00)
A copy of Sony Vegas 5 - Sony
A copy of Vegas 5 +DVD - Sony
A copy of Sound Forge - Sony
A copy of Acid Pro 4 - Sony
A dozen Acid Loops for Acid - Sony
A copy of Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 OR After Effects - Adobe
A DV Camera Bag - Adobe
Full copy of Pinnacle Liquid Edition Pro 5.5- Pinnacle
Pinnacle BackPack - Pinnacle
CameraPOV plug-ins for FCP - ProFound Effects
A copy of Final Cut Pro HD: Visual QuickPro Guide for MacOSX - Lisa Brenneis
5 $20.00 Gift Certificates - Paquito Mas Restaurants
A copy of Jerry Hoffmann on FCP 4 - Jerry Hoffmann
Copy of Color Correction for FCP -DigitalFilm Tree
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV
FCP Keyboard KeyGuide - Neotron Design
Copy of DV Enlightment -
SheerVideo Pro Codec -
Copy of Final Draft and Final Draft AV - Final Draft
2 Royalty Free Stock Footage CDs - ThinkStock Footage
Killer Titles for Live Type and Calligraphy - Intelligent Assistance
Practical Color Correction For FCP - Intelligent Assistance
1 T-shirt -
Copy of the Feb lafcpug meeting with Walter Murch -lafcpug
Special thanks to Jim Perry and Dennis Garten for filming the show, Ken Stone for taking pics and Promax for footing the bill