This meeting was generously sponsored by
June 23 2004
"Happy 4th Birthday lafcpug!"
Join us for a very special meeting where we will celebrate the fourth anniversary of the lafcpug with Show and Tells, FCP Tips and Tricks, Plug-ins from Digital FilmTools and music from GarageBand and Logic Pro 6. Plus another round of Stump the Gurus, and of course World Famous Raffle. Oh yeah, and balloons.
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
Join FCP Gurus, Ken Stone, and Andrew Balis, plus Steve Martin of Ripple Training, as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCP. If they can't solve your problem or answer your How 2, then you get your pick of the raffle table. Of course you still go home with your problem but you get your pick of the raffle table.
7:20PM -7:35PM -Multi-task while playing a sequence in the FCP Timeline - Diana Weynand
Diana will show some tricks on how to multi-task while playing a sequence in the FCP Timeline. There are certain keystrokes and shortcuts that are usable while you are playing a sequence, and combining these can yield some often helpful results.
Diana Weynand is author of the Apple Pro Training Series books: Final Cut Pro HD, Final Cut Express 2, and Final Cut Pro for Avid Editors, and the newly published How Video Works. She is co-owner of Weynand Training and Consulting based in Encino, which provides consulting and training to the entertainment industry. Weynand Training is an Apple authorized training facility that teaches FCP, DVD Studio Pro, Shake, Photoshop, Illustrator, and other software apps. Diana is a producer, director, editor, writer, and recipient of an Emmy citation for a PBS series, Cinematic Eye, for Outstanding Program Achievement. She is also writes an ongoing column called "HD on the Rise" for Below the Line magazine.
7:40PM - 8:05PM -Digital FilmTools Plug-ins for FCP - Marco Paolini
Marco Paolini, feature film visual effects artist, will be showing the latest software offering from Digital Film Tools, 55mm v4. 55mm is the definitive set of digital optical filters meant to simulate popular glass camera filters, specialized lenses, optical lab processes, film grain, matte generation, exacting color correction as well as natural light and photographic effects.
8:10PM - 8:40PM - Logic Pro 6 - Ashley Witt
Ashley Witt is a composer, arranger, orchestrator and sampling engineer based out of Los Angeles. Ashley has worked alongside such talent as Danny Elfman, David Newman, James Horner, and his work can be heard in several major motion pictures including Mission Impossible, Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Air Force One, Titanic, Goodwill Hunting, Aliens, and many more. Ashley will show all you need to know to get started with Apple's Logic Pro 6
8:40PM - 9:00PM - Break
A chance to hang out and meet and greet and get your problems solved. HUGE Systems will be in the Lobby showing off thier latest and greateset storage solutions Intelligent Assistance will also be in Lobby selling their latest creations, Practical Color Correction and Killer Titles for Calligraphy and LiveType. DV Creators will also be in lobby selling their latest and greatest DVD Tutorial, "DV Enlightenment" ($75.00) which will teach you all you need to know about lighting for DV. lafcpug will once again be selling "Lafcpug on DVD" past lafcpug meetings including the must have February meeting with Walter Murch. Price will be $20.00. Promax, will also have a table and will be able to answer any and all your questions.
9:00PM - 9:30PM - GarageBand -Byron Gaither
Apple/eMagic's Byron Gaither will give a general demonstration of Garage Band, the included virtual instruments and effects, audio and MIDI loops, and show how easy it is to construct a quick idea in Garage Band.
9:35PM- 9:45PM - "The Mailman" - Tony Mark - Show and Tell
LAFCPUG member Tony Mark will be in screening a few scenes from his completed feature "The Mailman". Shot on an XL1 and edited in Final Cut;the film is set to premier at the LA film School theater on July 13th so this is an advance peek. An R-rated psychological thriller has a small town mailman doing more than just delivering the mail. More information can be found on ""
9:45PM - 9:55PM - "Hut to Hollywood" - Lena Nozizwe - Show and Tell
Home is where the huts are--and the skyscrapers.
Can you go home again? What if that home is Africa and you have been brought up in America? Award-winning broadcast journalist, published author (Simon and Schuster), and aspiring actress (she just booked a national commercial) Lena Nozizwe returns to her roots in Malawi in order to find out what might have been if she never came to the United States. She questions everyone from contemporary professional women to her cousins who still live on the grounds of the Seventh Day Adventist Malamulo Mission where she was born. Nozizwe and her family came to the US courtesy of the pioneering reality show, This Is Your Life.The show featured her mother, Dr. Alice Princess Msumba Siwundhla. Nozizwe grew up to work as a globe-trotting correspondent on the reality series "America's Most Wanted." The desire to make a documentary, within her means, inspired Nozizwe to buy a G4 and learn FCP.
9:55PM - 10:05PM - World Famous Raffle
DFT Bundle which includes 55mm v4, Digital Film Lab,
Composite Suite and zMatte--a value of $1130 if purchased separately - Digital FilmTools
Copy of "How Video Works" by Dianah Weynand - Dianah Weynand
2 sets of 5 Final Cut Plug-ins - Digital-Heaven
CameraPOV plug-ins for FCP - ProFound Effects
Various Books - O'Reilly Books
Various Books - PeachPit Press
Film Effects v1.5 Plug-ins for FCP - Nattress
"Editing with Final Cut Pro" by Charles Roberts - Focal Press
5 $20.00 Gift Certificates - Paquito Mas Restaurants
LiveType Textures - Ripple Training
Copy of Color Correction for FCP -DigitalFilm Tree
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV
FCP Keyboard KeyGuide - Neotron Design
Copy of DV Enlightment -
Copy of Shooting Awesome Video -
Free Hands on FCP Training class -
SheerVideo Pro Codec -
Copy of Final Draft and Final Draft AV - Final Draft
2 Royalty Free Stock Footage CDs - ThinkStock Footage
Killer Titles for Live Type and Calligraphy - Intelligent Assistance
Practical Color Correction For FCP - Intelligent Assistance
1 T-shirt -
Copy of the Feb lafcpug meeting with Walter Murch -lafcpug
How to get to the LA Film School:
LA Film School
6363 Sunset Boulevard
Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone- 323.860.0789
The corner of Sunset Blvd and Ivar Ave
From the 101 Freeway
Exit Cahuenga and turn right (south) to Sunset Blvd. Turn Left 2 blocks to Ivar Ave. Theater entrance is on Ivar.
From the 10 Freeway
Exit La Brea and go north to Sunset Blvd. Turn right and go to Ivar. Turn Left on Ivar. Theater entrance is on Ivar.
Metro Red Line
Yes, Los Angeles has a subway and if possible you ought to use it. Riders are dropped of at Hollywood and Vine and you merely walk south one block to Sunset and West one block to Ivar and you are at LA Film School. More info on the Red Line can be found here.
NOTE ON PARKING: There is parking available in the building for a $4.00 fee. Parking garage is on Ivar. There is also ample parking on the streets should you not wish to pay $4.00 for parking.
