Raffle Sponsors

2010 SuperMag Issue No. 4
315 pages of features and tutorials
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The NEW Final Cut Studio
Includes more than 100 new features.
lafcpug Price: $295.00
Read all about it and Purchase

Apple Pro Training Series:
Final Cut Pro 7
by Diana Weynand
lafcpug Price: $34.64
Read all about it and Purchase

Final Cut Pro 7:
Visual QuickPro Guide
by Lisa Brenneis
lafcpug Price: $23.09
Read all about it and Purchase

The Ultimate Guide to
Using the Revolutionary Camera
by Noah Kadner
lafcpug price:$34.64
Read all about it & then purchase

Final Cut Pro
Power Skills
by Larry Jordan
lafcpug Price: $26.39
Read all about it and Purchase

Color Correction In FCP Expanded
by Ripple Training
lafcpug Price -$89.00 (iTunes Edition)
Start learning Now Online.

Recycle computers and electronics

Parts of this meet are available for viewing on the "lafcpug channel" at YouTube. Subscribe!
lafcpug meetings are now made possible by Autodesk

lafcpug is 11 years old
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Wasn't sure if we would do a meet in June as I will be in London for the UK SuperMeet, but there is just too much to see and do, and hey, it's lafcpug's 11th birthday so come on up the hill and help us celebrate.
You've seen the Supermeet sneak peek; you've heard Larry Jordan tell what we know about Final Cut Pro X, now hear Philip Hodgetts' expose of what we don't know! Want to know about the technology, project format, plug-ins and much of the rest of what Apple hasn't announced yet? Philip has been researching and writing about what Apple has been up to with Final Cut Pro X for the last year or more, and has been "scary accurate". Know what you need to know before you download FCPX.
Plus, and this is WAY overdue, Lonnie Ramati, Executive VP of Millennium Films, will talk on the trials and tribulations and pitfalls of Film Financing, Production and Distribution and take your questions. Know before you shoot and know what to do after your movie is done.
Plus Brian Denny will show us how to deal with "multi-camera crap." Or better yet, "How to maybe fix it in Post."
Plus another round of Stump The Gurus, Show and Tells, and balloons. You must register for this event. Get out of the house and come wish us a Happy Birthday.
If FCPX is released prior to the meet, everything changes.
NOTE: lafcpug generally meets every 4th Wednesday of the Month
Meetings are open to public and ALL beginning through advanced FCS users and Digital Story Tellers are welcome
First come best seat. A $5.00 donation will be requested at the door
Agenda (subject to change)
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
Join FCS Gurus Misha Tenenbaum, Steve Kanter and David Roth Weiss as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCS. If they can't solve your problem or answer your question, then you go home with a problem, but you still got out of the house, so that's not a bad thing.
7:20PM - 7:30PM - Announcements (if time available)
This is a chance to get up and ask for a job, offer job opportunities, announce your film or service, or tell a bad joke.
7:30PM - 7:55PM - "What to do with multi-camera Crap" or How to fix it in Post." (maybe) - Brian Denny.
Multi-camera editing in FCP is all well and good as long as every camera angle is shooting the same event. But that simplicity goes out the window when you are asked to assemble a "mulit-camera" shoot using only one camera, and where each take is of a slightly different performance with live music and duration differences. Then throw in a jib arm and camera mic audio to complicate matters, and you have a "minefield-o'-fun" to navigate through. Brian Denny will share with us some real-world technics he developed to handle the massive curve-ball a client recently threw to him after they shot a dance choreography demo for "Dancing with the Stars" using a Canon 7D. Did he hit a home-run? You decide and there is lots talk about.
8:00PM - 8:30PM - Film Financing, Production and Distribution - Lonnie Ramati
Lonnie Ramati, Executive VP of Millennium Films, will talk on the trials and tribulations and pitfalls of Film Financing, Production and Distribution and take your questions. Know before you shoot and know what to do after your movie is done.
About Lonnie Ramati:
Lonnie Ramati has 26 years of experience in the film, television and music business as a business affairs employee and as a business affairs and financial consultant and with over 300 Films. Lonnie has negotiated deals with all the major stars including Bruce Willis, Hilary Swank, Scarlett Johansson, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Edward Norton, to name a few as well as investor deals for the financing, production and distribution of films and distribution deals with all the domestic and foreign distributors for the release of motion pictures and television productions in all media.
Mr. Ramati is currently Executive VP Business And Legal Affairs for Millennium Films, Inc. and Nu Image, Inc.
8:30PM - 9:00PM - Break
In the lobby will be many FCS Gurus. This is your chance to ask questions. No questions? Then talk to each other. The break is a chance to hang out and meet and greet and get your problems solved and who knows, get a job. You never know who you are going to meet at lafcpug. Snacks and Beer and Wine will be on sale in the lobby. Proceeds go to the Gallery Theater.
9:00PM - 9:40PM - Preparing for Final Cut Pro X - Philip Hodgetts
You've seen the Supermeet sneak peek; you've heard Larry Jordan tell what we know about Final Cut Pro X, now hear Philip Hodgetts expose of what we don't know! Want to know about the technology, project format, plug-ins and much of the rest of what Apple hasn't announced yet. Philip has been researching and writing about what Apple has been up to with Final Cut Pro X for the last year or more, and has been "scary accurate". From AV Foundation to the metadata foundation, Hodgetts has been the most accurate source on Final Cut Pro X since May 2010.
9:40PM - 9:50PM - Show and Tell - G-Phi
I’d like to show some of my latest videos that I’ve worked on.
One is with use of Trapcode Form and how video reacts to audio which was edited in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, effects created in Adobe After Effects and sounds composed in Logic Pro.
The other is an attempt at doing something somewhat funny edited in Final Cut Pro and composited in Adobe After Effects sounds created and arranged in Logic Pro.
The last video is a Kinetic Typography video, which I created entirely in Adobe After Effects.
9:50PM - World famous Raffle (subject to change)
Copy of DaVinci Resolve - Blackmagic Design
Full Set of any or all Genarts Sapphire Plug-ins - Genarts
Copy of Adobe CS5 Production Premium - Adobe
Chromagic FX Plug & iPad App - Nattress
1 full license "Repair Collection" CHV Plug-ins
7x FREE Admissions to "Two Shots of Photoshop with Jack Davis and Jane Conner-ziser - LA Web Professionals Group
One ShuttlePRO V.2 - Countour Design
Your choice of Sequence Clip Reporter or Clip Info Titler - Intelligent Assistance
2 FREE Webinars - Larry Jordan
$50.00 Gift Certificate - Advantage Video Systems
Copy of Auto Scratch, Auto Collapse and Filter Remover - EditMule
Any On demand Webinar - FilmmakingWebinars.com
Copy of the “Editing Bootcamp: - How and Why of the Edit" FilmmakingWebinars.com
5x Editmote - Digital Rebellion
1x Pro Media Tools - Digital Rebellion
$200 free Stock Footage Clips - Pond5
3 On Demand Webinars - FilmmakingWebinars.com
1 FREE 24 Hour Unlimited Stock Footage Download -Unlimited Stock Media
Free Stock Footage HD Clips up to $500.00 value - Artbeats
1 seat of Nveil video filters for FCP & Motion - Nveil
$200 towards MotionVFX Templates - MotionVFX
QC Effects for FCP and Motion - QC-Effects
Copy of VeeScope Live - VeeScope Live
Digital Heaven Loader - Digital Heaven
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV
FCP Keyguide - Neotron
Larry Jordan Mousepads - Larry Jordan
How to get to the Gallery Theater at Barnsdall Art Park
Click here for Google Map
Click HERE to download a PDF(300K) of the grounds that points out the parking areas and includes other helpful hints.
The Gallery Theater at Barnsdall Art Park
4800 Hollywood Boulevard
(between Vermont and Normandie)
Hollywood, CA 90027
Phone: 323.644.6272
Enter through the gate on Hollywood Blvd just West of Berendo. The theater is at the top of the hill, adjacent to the art gallery.
From US 101 (heading South),
take the Hollywood Boulevard exit.
Turn left at the end of the exit ramp onto Hollywood Boulevard.
Turn right into the entrance to Barnsdall Art Park at 4800 Hollywood Boulevard. (you will only see a parking lot. Drive to top of hill to find the Gallery Theater)
The Gallery Theater is in the center of the park.
From US 101 (heading North),
take the Vermont Avenue exit.
Turn right at the end of the exit ramp onto Vermont Avenue.
Turn left onto Hollywood Boulevard.
Turn left into the entrance to Barnsdall Art Park at 4800 Hollywood Boulevard. (you will only see a parking lot. Drive to top of hill to find the Gallery Theater)
The Gallery Theater is in the center of the park.
Metro Red Line
Yes, Los Angeles has a subway and if possible you ought to use it. Riders are dropped of at Sunset and Vermont, one long block from the Art Park. More info on the Red Line can be found here.
Note on Parking: Parking is FREE. There is ample parking on top of hill near the Art Park. Parking extends around the perimeter of the Park. NOTE: Please park your car diagonally even though the spaces are not marked that way. If there are no spaces to park at top, then use parking lot at bottom of hill near Hollywood Blvd. Click HERE to download a PDF(300K) of the grounds that points out the parking areas and includes other helpful hints.
Wheelchair access: Park in the lot next to the Hollyhock house (you will see a handicap parking sign), come into the theatre entrance, and take the elevator down. There will be space in the front of the theatre for wheelchairs.
Before or after the meeting, there is a fine restaurant row on Vermont between Hollywood and Franklin (just around the corner from the park). There are also a number of funky ethic eateries along Hollywood Blvd.
digital projection made possible through the generous sponsorship of
Apple Computer and the Pixel Corps
with additional support from Adobe Systems, AJA, ProMax Systems,
BIAS, Inc. DigitalFilm Tree, and Gefen Inc.
lafcpug meetings are presented in association with the
Barnsdall Gallery Theatre, a facility of the City of Los Angeles
Department of Cultural Affairs