This meeting was generously sponsored by
May 26 2004
"The Promax Digital Cafe Comes to lafcpug"

Lisa Brenneis and Michael Horton - "I'm not bored. Really!"
The best of the ProMax Digital Cafe came to lafcpug, only we did it the lafcpug way. Appearing were:
- FCP Product Designer Brian Meaney who will show off FCP-HD and answer all your questions.
- AJA's Ted Schilowitz will show off the KONA 2 card as well as the other products in the AJA family.
- JD Wilcox will discuss and show off what's new from ProMax.
- Andrew Baum will show off what's new in Cinewave 4.6.
- Jeff Merritt, HD Guru from Panasonic will be on hand to show and discuss the DVCPRO-HD solution now included in FCP HD as well as the brand new AJ-HD1200A VTR.
Plus Stump the Gurus, and of course World Famous Raffle. Complete agenda will be set about one week before meeting.
Agenda (subject to change
5:30PM - 6:45PM - lafcpug Mini Trade Show
Reps from AJA, Cinewave , Medea, LaCie, Sony, Panasonic, DV Creators, Ripple Training, Intelligent Assistance and ProMax will be showing you what's new including the KONA 2 card, Cinewave 4.6, LaCie storage solutions, Medea G-Raid, and the Panasonic SDX900, DVX100, and the AG-DV2500 VTR. This is a chance to get up close and personal with the folks who know more than you do.
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
Join FCP Gurus, Ken Stone, and Andrew Balis, plus special guest Steve Martin of Ripple Training and FCP Product Designer Brian Meaney, as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCP. If they can't solve your problem or answer your How 2, then you get your pick of the raffle table. Of course you still go home with your problem but you get your pick of the raffle table.
7:20PM - 7:45PM - "Cinewave 4.6" - Andrew Baum
Andrew Baum, Cinewave Product Manager and a favorite at lafcpug will show off what's new in Cinewave 4.6.
7:45 - 8:05PM - "Whats new from ProMax" - JD Wilcox
JD Wilcox will show off the ProMedia Converter and SataMaxi now shipping from ProMax
8:05 - 8:40PM - The latest from AJA - Ted Schilowitz
AJA's Ted Schilowitz will discuss the KONA 2 card as well as the other products in the AJA family and discuss the workflow used in the the upcoming blockbuster "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow," which was shot completely in front of a Blue Screen by first time director Kerry Conran and starring Jude "I only do movies built on FCP" Law, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie.
8:40PM - 9:00PM - Break
A chance to hang out and meet and greet and get your problems solved. Intelligent Assistance will also be in Lobby selling their latest creations, Practical Color Correction and Killer Titles for Calligraphy and LiveType. DV Creators will also be in lobby selling their latest and greatest DVD Tutorial, "DV Enlightenment" ($75.00) which will teach you all you need to know about lighting for DV. lafcpug will once again be selling "Lafcpug on DVD" the February meeting with Walter Murch. Price will be $20.00. Promax , Pinnacle, Panasonic, LaCie, AJA, Medea and Sony will also have tables and will be able to answer any and all your questions.
9:00PM - 9:25PM - "FCP 4.5 - DVCPRO 100 Workflow" - Jeff Merritt
Jeff Merritt, HD Guru from Panasonic will be on hand to show and discuss the DVCPRO-HD solution now included in FCP 4.5 as well as the brand new AJ-HD1200A VTR.
9:25PM -9:50PM - Final Cut Pro HD - Brian Meaney
FCP Product Designer Brian Meaney will show off FCP-HD and answer all your questions.
9:50PM - 10:00PM - World Famous Raffle
LaCie d2 (250GB) Hard Drive Extreme - LaCie
G-RAID 320 (320 GB) - Medea
3x "Io Blue Kits" - AJA
5 $20.00 Gift Certificates - Paquito Mas Restaurants
LiveType Textures - Ripple Training
Pinnacle BackPacks - Pinnacle
Steinberg Nuendo 2.0 - Pinnacle
FCP 101 OR 201 Training Class - DigitalFilm Tree
Copy of Color Correction for FCP -DigitalFilm Tree
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV
Copy of "DVD Studio Pro 2" by Bruce Nazarian - McGraw-Hill
FCP Keyboard KeyGuide - Neotron Design
Photoshop CS One on One - O'Reilly Books
Digital Photography Expert Techniques - O'Reilly Books
Copy of DV Enlightment -
SheerVideo Pro Codec -
Copy of Final Draft and Final Draft AV - Final Draft
2 Royalty Free Stock Footage CDs - ThinkStock Footage
Killer Titles for Live Type and Calligraphy - Intelligent Assistance
Practical Color Correction For FCP - Intelligent Assistance
1 T-shirt -
Copy of the Feb lafcpug meeting with Walter Murch -lafcpug
more prizes to come
How to get to the LA Film School:
LA Film School
6363 Sunset Boulevard
Hollywood, CA 90028
Phone- 323.860.0789
The corner of Sunset Blvd and Ivar Ave
From the 101 Freeway
Exit Cahuenga and turn right (south) to Sunset Blvd. Turn Left 2 blocks to Ivar Ave. Theater entrance is on Ivar.
From the 10 Freeway
Exit La Brea and go north to Sunset Blvd. Turn right and go to Ivar. Turn Left on Ivar. Theater entrance is on Ivar.
Metro Red Line
Yes, Los Angeles has a subway and if possible you ought to use it. Riders are dropped of at Hollywood and Vine and you merely walk south one block to Sunset and West one block to Ivar and you are at LA Film School. More info on the Red Line can be found here.
NOTE ON PARKING: There is parking available in the building for a $4.00 fee. Parking garage is on Ivar. There is also ample parking on the streets should you not wish to pay $4.00 for parking.
