-November 19, 2003-
Because of the Thanksgiving Holiday we moved the meeting to the THIRD Wednesday of the month and discussed the trim window in FCP 4, Automatic Duck, Panther, Stoyboarding, FCP 4.1, plus Show and Tells, Stump the Gurus and of course, World Famous Raffle. Wow.
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
Join FCP Gurus, Andrew Balis, Ken Stone and special guest Gurus, Steve Martin of RippleTraining, and Co President of the Chicago Final Cut Pro User Group, Matt Geller as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCP. If they can't solve your problem or answer your How 2, then you get your pick of the raffle table. Of course you still go home with your problem but you get your pick of the raffle table.

7:20 - 7:25PM - FCP FAQ - Jim Perry
Lafcpug is working hard to launch what we hope to be the most extensive FCP FAQ on the planet. Videographer and web designer Jim Perry will give us all a sneak peak at what we have done so far.
7:30PM - 7:55PM - Automatic Duck - Wes Plate
Wes Plate, President of Automatic Duck, Inc. will visit to demonstrate their new plug-ins for Final Cut Pro 4. These may just be the plug-ins you have been waiting for, finally there will be OMF and AAF import into Final Cut! Automatic Duck will be offering two copies of their awesome plug-ins in the raffle too! Don't miss it.
8:00 - 8:15PM - Story Boarding with Final Draft AV and KeyNote - Frank Collin
Final Draft AV, the professional A/V script processor and KeyNote, Apples presentation application, can do a lot more than what it says on the box. You can use these two apps to easily create storyboards for your next move. Final Drafts Frank Collin shows us how easy it is.
8:20PM - 8:40PM - Tips for working in the trim window in Final Cut Pro 4 - Scott Barbour
Scott Barbour has learned a lot very useful tips since accepting the job at Apple. He'll share a few of them with us and tonight concentrate on the Trim Window in FCP 4.1.
8:40 - 9:00PM - Break
In the Lobby will be Promax showing off new toys including the new HD card from BlackMagic Design answering questions on the just shipped G5 PowerMac. Intelligent Assistance will also be showing off the must have Great Visual FX CDs and Killer Titles CDs and talking about their brand new "Assistance on Demand." Don Burton will be selling tickets and talking about the upcoming TurkeyShoot Film Festival.
lafcpug will be selling past "lafcpug on DVD meetings" (Oct 2001 - Oct 2002) for 3 for $10.00
Plus another addition of the FCP Guru table where we "guarantee" you'll get your FCP 4 questions answered.
9:05PM - 9:35PM - FCP 4.1 and Panther - Philip Hodgetts
Philip Hodgetts will be revealing some of the cool new features of Panther, including an introduction to the Exposé and the new desktop file management. He'll be explaining the different ways to upgrade - and when not to upgrade - and demonstrating how Final Cut Pro performs under the new operating systems. Most importantly, he'll be telling us how to avoid some of the problems that can arise with OS X 10.3 Panther. There will also be discussion of the brand new upgrade 4.1
9:35PM - 9:45PM "Couple on a Street Corner" - Dean Chamberlin - Show and Tell
Down and out young lovers make a difficult decision. Shot live at the corner of Santa Monica and Vine.
9:50PM - 10:00PM - World Famous Raffle
2 copies Final Cut Pro 4 On the Spot - CMP Books
2 Copies of Automatic Duck - Automatic Duck
Copies of "Liquid" and "Fancy Ones" Live Fonts - LiveType Central
Copy of Final Draft and Final Draft AV - Final Draft
2 Licenses for SheerVideo Pro Software Video Codec - BitJazz
5 $20.00 Gift Certificates - Paquito Mas Restaurants
FREE FCP 4 hands on Training Class - DVCreators.net
2 copies of ProMax QuickStart Training DVD-ROM for Final Cut Pro 4 - Promax
2 FCP 4.0 Keyboard KeyGuides - Neotron Design
Color Corrector for FCP DVD - Digital FilmTree
2 Royalty Free Stock Footage CDs - ThinkStock Footage
Great VisualFX for Final Cut Pro - Intelligent Assistance
Killer Titles for Live Type and Calligraphy - Intelligent Assistance
DVD Companion Pro Pack - Recipe 4 DVD
1 T-shirt - kenstone.net
13 copies of lafcpug DVDs (Oct 01 - Oct 02)- lafcpug
Special thanks must go to Dan Brockett and Jim Perry for camera,Ken stone for taking pics and of course Promax for footing the bill.
Michael Horton,