-This meeting is generously sponsored by
lafcpug going to DVEXPO
Online Registration is now closed!
Go HERE and download the free Show Pass PDF and bring that with you to the DV Expo registration desk
Where? - Room 304AB LA Convention Center
When? Wednesday, Nov 15th, 7:00PM - 9:30PM (Doors open 6:30PM)
Why? Because we need somplace to hang out and wait for traffic to die down. And you need to learn something
How Much? - Free
Any raffle prizes? Of course. $2.00 per raffle ticket or 3 for $5.00
Seating is first come first seated and we expect to fill up quickly
lafcpug is once again going to DV Expo and yes, it will be HUGE. Join us for 2 hours of learning, fun and general chaos.
Scheduled to appear will be producer/directorBrian J. Terwilligerwho will show clips from his documentary film, "One Six Right." Using Final Cut Pro from start to finish and shot with the Sony F-900, this film celebrates the unsung hero of aviation, the local airport by tracing the life, history, and struggles of an airport icon: Southern California's Van Nuys Airport. You can view clips from the film, at the "One Six Right" web site. The entire film will be shown Sunday, Dec. 2 at the Van Nuys airport in a specially built HD Theatre complete with 4K projection. You can purchase tickets for this screening at the One Six Right web site.
Also scheduled to appear will be FCP Product manager Steve Bayes who will show us "What's new in 5.1.2," and if time take questions and listen to your feature requests and feedback.
Also scheduled will be Ted "leader of the Rebellion" Schilowitz from the Red Digital Cinema team who will give us the latest info on the Red Camera and take any and all questions.
Also scheduled will be a demo of DV Monitor from Red Lightning Software which is looking more and more like "DV Rack for the Mac."
Also scheduled will be a show and tell from filmmaker Mike Goubeaux who will show his award winning music video, "Trains." Shot using the Panasonic Varicam, edited with Final Cut Pro and animated using Toon Boom Studio
Plus World Famous Raffle with prizes totaling over $14,000.00.
AGENDA (subject to change)
7:00- 7:20PM - DV Monitor - Ben Aein
What promises to be a "DV Rack for the Mac," co-creator Ben Aein will demo DV Monitor. Ben promises to show a beta version of the software that supports recording.
7:25PM - 7:50PM - Red Digital Cinema update- Ted Schilowitz
Ted "leader of the Rebellion"Schilowitz from the Red Digital Cinema team will give us the latest info on the Red Camera and take any and all questions.

7:55PM - 8:25PM - "One Six Right"- Brian J. Terwilliger
Brian J. Terwilligerwill show clips from his documentary film, "One Six Right" and discuss the workflow. Using Final Cut Pro from start to finish and shot with the Sony F-900, this film celebrates the unsung hero of aviation, the local airport by tracing the life, history, and struggles of an airport icon: Southern California's Van Nuys Airport. You can view clips from the film, at the "One Six Right" web site.
8:30PM - 8:50PM - Final Cut Pro - Steve Bayes
FCP Product manager Steve Bayes will show us "What's new in 5.1.2," and if time, take questions and listen to your feature requests and feedback.
8:50PM - 9:00PM - "Trains" - Mike Goubeaux
Filmmaker Mike Goubeaux will show his award winning music video, "Trains." Shot using the Panasonic Varicam, edited with Final Cut Pro and animated using Toon Boom Studio
9:00PM - World Famous Raffle
Over $14,000.00 worth of raffle prizes will be handed out to lucky winners. Raffle tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. Buy as many tickets as you like but you can only win one prize. This means if you have already won one prize and then win another, you can elect to "trade in" if you so wish.
Raffle Prizes
Decklink Extreme HD Capture Card - Blackmagic Design - ($995 value)
1 iPod Shuffle - Apple - ($79 value)
1 iPod Nano - Apple - ($199 value)
1 iPod Video - Apple - ($249 value)
Your choice of either a KonaLH or KonaLH-e capture card - AJA - ($1,790 value)
LaCie Little Big Disk 200GBs - LaCie - ($619 value)
1 Copy of DV Monitor - Red Lightning - ($149 value)
Copy of Toon Boom Studio - Toon Boom - ($399 value)
Your choice of either a PCI-e or PCI-x Controller card - CalDigit- ($299 value)
2 copies of plug-in of your choice -Automatic Duck- ($990 value)
One COMPLETE set (Film FX, Standards Converter, Set 1, Set 2) of Nattress Plug-ins - Nattress- ($235 value)
Copy of SonicFire Pro 4 - Smartsound- ($199 value)
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV- ($80 value)
WMV Studio Pro - Flip4Mac- ($99 value)
Copy of Episode - Flip4Mac - ($395 value)
Motion Powerstart - DVCreators.net- ($79 value)
LiveType PowerStart - DVCreators.net- ($49 value)
DV Enlightenment - DVCreators.net- ($75 value)
After Effects 7 - DVCreators.net- ($79 value)
Final Cut Pro 5 Production Studio DVD - Magnet Media - ($299 value)
Final Cut Express 3.5 Production Studio DVD - Magnet Media- ($49 value)
HD Powertools Vol. 1 -Motionstream- ($799 value)
Final Draft or Final Draft AV -Final Draft- ($229 value)
Copy of FxFactory Pro - Noise Industries ($399 value)
5 $20 gift certificates - Paquito Mas
Various books - Peachpit Press
5 pairs of syncVUE licenses - syncVUE ($1780 value)
FCP Keyboard KeyGuide - Neotron Design- ($11 value)
Plug-in package of your choice -Lyric Media- ($49 value)
2 copies of the "Repair Collection" plug-ins for FCP - CHV Electronics- ($99.00 value)
Copy of Video Editing Essentials - macProVideo- ($49.50 value)
Several FCP Keyboard Covers for MacBook and MacBook Pro - KB Covers - ($29.95 each)
many more prizes to come