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-August 25, 2004-
"Summer Closeout Event"
Join us for the Summer close out event, as we bring in Discreet's Combustion 3, Jungle Software's awesome Gorilla 2.1, 10bit HD workflow, Show and Tells, Stump the Gurus, and World Famous Raffle.
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
Join FCP Gurus Steve Martin of Ripple Training, Andrew Balis and special guest Guru, Sharon Franklin as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCP. If they can't solve your problem or answer your How 2, then you go home with a problem but you still got out of the house, so that's not a bad thing.
7:20PM - 7:30PM - FCP Tip/Trick of the month - Steve Martin and Andrew Balis
This months FCP tip/trick will concentrate on Dialog cutting
7:30PM - 8:00PM - Combustion 3 - Hage Van Dijk
Using Automatic Duck's new Pro Import C3, FCP users can now easily export to Combustion 3 within seconds.
Combustion, (for those of you not paying attention) is the outstanding motion graphics, compositing and visual effects tool from Discreet ,and Combustion 3 features a number of VERY cool tools including RE:Flex, the morphing and warping tool from RE:Vision Effects. This is one app that needs to be seen in action to really appreciate.
8:05PM -8:35PM - Gorilla - Aaton Cohen-Sitt
One of the absolute essential tools in the indy filmmakers bag is a budgeting and scheduling solution. Enter Gorilla 2.1 from Jungle Software. With Gorilla, all of your information can be stored in one place: Budgeting, scheduling, crew, cast, profit-sharing, editing notes, and even film festival submissions. It's easy to use and above all, affordable.
8:40PM - 9:00PM - Break
Lots happening during the break.
This is a chance to hang out and meet and greet and get your problems solved. Intelligent Assistance will be in Lobby selling their latest creations, Practical Color Correction and Killer Titles for Calligraphy and LiveType and talking about the newPro Apps Hub. lafcpug will once again be selling "Lafcpug on DVD" past lafcpug meetings including the must have February meeting with Walter Murch. Price will be $20.00. Steve Martin will be selling a limited amount of the brand new and must have FCP Advanced Techniques DVD Tutorial for the LOW price of $69.00. Promax will also have a table and will be able to answer any and all your hardware questions. Jungle Software will be talking about Gorilla, and Discreet will be talking about Combustion 3.
9:00PM - 9:30PM - Uncompressed HD workflow in FCP - Christian White
Christian White (director/editor) long considered a pariah of the famed "Avid Master Editor list" for his constant endorsing of Final Cut to solve problems and "get the job done" will explain why now more than ever, Final Cut comes through - and in a HUGE way with uncompressed HD! Utilizing the award winning feature film, "Girl Play" (shot on HD & Super 16mm) as an example, Christian will explain the exciting route he took with final cut pro - from it's first dv res cut to the final uncompressed HD online with complex effects sequences. Warning: be prepared for a lively talk, Christian will integrate the creative process of editing with strange occurences of the universe to get the points across!
9:30PM - 9:40PM - "The Shaman of Paparazzo" Daniel Foster - Show and Tell
An 8 minute short titled The Shaman Paparazzo, shot in Thailand, Cambodia, Bali, Peru and West Africa.
The teaser:
A skilled stealer of souls, he's locked an ineffable world into his collection box. The world, however, has been doing its own searching. What it wants from him is simply, achingly beautiful.
9:40PM -9:50PM - "Mamochka" - Don Dunham - Show and Tell
Don Dunham will be showing an 8 minute trailer from the 24 minute children's film "Mamochka, a Russian Folktale Retold", a film he edited and posted entirely in Final Cut Pro 3 on a 450 Mhz Apple G4. The Independent film was produced by Mario Polanco of Iris International Film, and directed by Jody Lee Olhava and relates the story of a little peasant girl who, separated from her parents in the Russian wheat fields of the 19th Century, teaches a village that beauty comes from within.
10:00PM - 10:10PM - World Famous Raffle
CameraPOV plug-ins for FCP - ProFound Effects
2 copies of "Inside FCP HD" - Magnet Media
2 copies "Inside DVD Studio Pro 3 - Magnet Media
Copies of "Zoom In" (featuring one hour of Motion training) Magnet Media
2 copies of "DVD Studio Pro" by Bruce Nazarian- McGraw-Hill Publishing
Copy of "Cinema 4D" - CMP Books
Copy of PhotoShop CS for Non Linear Editors - CMP Books
5 $20.00 Gift Certificates - Paquito Mas Restaurants
Copy of Color Correction for FCP -DigitalFilm Tree
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV
FCP Keyboard KeyGuide - Neotron Design
Copy of DV Enlightment -
A copy of LiveType PowerStart -
SheerVideo Pro Codec -
Copy of Final Draft and Final Draft AV - Final Draft
2 Royalty Free Stock Footage CDs - ThinkStock Footage
Killer Titles for Live Type and Calligraphy - Intelligent Assistance
Practical Color Correction For FCP - Intelligent Assistance
1 T-shirt -
Copy of the Feb lafcpug meeting with Walter Murch -lafcpug
Special thanks to Tony Peck for filming and Promax for footing the bill