-Aug 25, 2005-
"Avid and FX Night"
Wednesday August 24 found our good friend Tim Wilson showing off the latest version of Avid Xpress Pro on OSX Tiger. Plus SF Cutters co-founder and FCP Guru, Kevin Monahan showed us FCP FX Tips and Tricks you need to know. Plus Steve Martin was back for the FCP Tip/Trick of the Month. Plus FCP Guru Tom Wolsky showed us tips on working with FCP's Filters. Plus BT Corwin showed us New Ways of ripping Audio. Plus Show and Tells, Stump the Gurus, and World Famous Raffle.
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
Join FCP Guru Ken Stone, Andrew Balis, Steve Martin and Philip Hodgetts as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCP. If they can't solve your problem or answer your How 2, then you go home with a problem but you still got out of the house, so that's not a bad thing.
7:20PM - 7:35PM - "Tip/Trick of the Month" - Steve Martin
Steve Martin of Ripple Training is back with another must see Tip/Trick of the Month.
Final Cut Studio ships with a motion graphics application called Motion. In this tip/trick Steve will show you how to integrate Motion into your workflow saving you hours of time when doing animated title "builds" to voice over.
7:40PM - 8:05PM - "Motion Graphics and Effects in FCP" - Kevin Monahan
FCP Guru, SF Cutters co-founder, and author of "Motion Graphics and Effects in Final Cut Pro" Kevin "Telly" Monahan will come down from the Bay Area to show off tips and tricks you need to know for creating Motion Graphics within FCP 5.
8:05PM - 8:25PM - "Working with Filters" - Tom Wolsky
FCP Guru and author of the book, Final Cut Pro Editing Essentials and, Complete Training for Final Cut Pro 5", Tom Wolsky will show us a look at different ways of limiting filters and effects to just sections of clips using the Clip Keyframes to control effects in the Timeline.
8:30PM - 8:50PM - Break
This is a chance to hang out and meet and greet and get your problems solved. Lisa Brenneis will be in the lobby with only 20 copies of Final Cut Pro 5 for Mac OS X : Visual QuickPro Guide This is a chance to pick it up for only $18.00 CASH. That is cheapest price you will find anywhere and is limited to the first 20 people in line. Ripple Training will be in the Lobby showing off their awesome training DVDs. Tom Wolsky will have a few copies of Complete Training for Final Cut Pro 5 at a 20% discount. Intelligent Assistance will be in Lobby selling their latest creations, and talking about the newPro Apps Hub. Snacks and Beer and Wine will be on sale in the lobby. Proceeds go to the Gallery Theater.
8:50PM - 9:25PM - Slick Tricks with Tiger and Avid Xpress Pro - Tim Wilson
Avid officially rolls out their newest release of Avid Xpress Pro on OSX Tiger. on Thursday, August 25, but you can see it at lafcpug first, before anyone else in town. Yeah, yeah, it's the latest from Avid. Come to heckle if you want. Come to shop for features to put on your FCP 6 wish list...or not
But most of all, come for Tim Wilson, who holds the record for most presentations to LAFCPUG by a non-California resident. (We're not sure where he's from, but we're sure it's someplace where they have tequila. People are still talking about his wardrobe malfunction at our July 2002 meeting.)
Tim puts on a great show, and swears you've never seen anything like Avid's integration of Tiger-only real-time effects. Actually, Tim swears DURING most of his demos, so take it from us that you're not going to want to miss this one.
9:40PM - 9:50PM - "New Ways of ripping Audio (44.1khz/aif) to 48khz to use in FCP" - BT Corwin
BT Corwin, former ABC News cameraperson and current iLife BootCamp instructor at the Digital Media Academy will demo cool helper applications and downloadable applescripts to amuse and amaze the audience.
9:40PM - 9:50PM - Guido Orio - Show and Tell
It's a story about a 16 year old boy with cerebral palsy who wishes to be a commercial airline pilot for a day. With the help of The Make A Wish Foundation and The Boeing Company, he flies an MD11 simulator from LAX to San Francisco and back. It's an exciting and realistic experience when he is faced with solving aircraft emergencies in mid-flight.
9:50PM - World Famous Raffle
Copy of Avid Xpress Pro - Avid
Copy of "Advanced Compositing and Keying in Motion" training DVD - CMIVFX
50% off any Apple Pro Apps Class - Moviola
5 $20.00 Gift Certificates - Paquito Mas Restaurants
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV
WMV Studio Pro - Flip4Mac
100 blank DVDs - Disc Makers
Various Books - Peachpit
1 DV Enlightenment - DVCreators
1 LiveType PowerStart - DVCreators
1 Motion PowerStart - DVCreators
1 seat in Advanced Final Cut Pro Hands-on Workshop on Sept. 21-23 - DVCreators
Copy of "Art of Encoding Using Compressor" - Ripple Training
Copy of "Complete Training with For Final Cut Pro 5"- Class On Demand
Copies of Pyromania Series and Visual Effects Stock Footage - VCE
FCP Keyboard KeyGuide - Neotron Design
3 Copies of Inside DVD Studio Pro 4- Magnet Media
Copy of Inside Mac OS Tiger - Magnet Media
Copy of Inside Motion 2 - Magnet Media
Plug-in package of your choice - Lyric Media
Copy of Final Draft and Final Draft AV - Final Draft
Killer Titles for Live Type and Calligraphy - Intelligent Assistance
Practical Color Correction For FCP - Intelligent Assistance
1 T-shirt - kenstone.net
Copy of the Feb lafcpug meeting with Walter Murch -lafcpug

Special thanks to Promax for footing the bill and Victor Maldanado for taping the show