-March 22, 2006-
"The Real Deal on the HVX 200 with FCP Night"
Join us as we bring you real live user demos of the Panasonic HVX200 Camcorder Real live human beings showing real footage using real Live HVX200 camcorders and P2 cards and doing real live workflow. This will be the REAL deal.
Editor Shane Ross, DP Andrew Parke, and Producer Jim Lindsey will takes us through P2 workflow as well as all the "gotchas" one might encounter out in the field. Plus they will show footage. Also DP and author Barry Braverman will show you what you need to know about the HVX200 including what to watch out for. Plus FCP Guru Larry Jordan will show us "Tips to working with garbage mattes and chroma key." Plus Brad Wright will show us what we need to know about the Macbook Pro. Plus the FCP Tip/Trick of the Month by Christine Steele, another round of Stump the Gurus and World Famous Raffle. All in one night. Whew!
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
Join FCP Gurus Christine Steele, and special guest Gurus, Larry Jordan and Philip Hodgetts as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCP. If they can't solve your problem or answer your How 2, then you go home with a problem but you still got out of the house, so that's not a bad thing.
7:20PM - 7:35PM - FCP Tip/Trick of the Month -Christine Steele

7:40PM - 8:15PM - P2 workflow with the HVX200 - Shane Ross, Andrew Parke, Jim Lindsay
Andrew Parke is a DP and cameraman experienced with shooting on a DVX-100a. He will talk about the similarities of that camera and the HVX-200, and talk about his experience in shooting with the P2 camera.

Jim Lindsay is the Executive Producer and owner of Jim Lindsay Productions. He will be discussing various "in the field" techniques in getting footage from the HVX-200s P2 cards onto hard drive. From PC laptops, Mac Powerbooks, the P2 Store and from the camera itself.
Shane Ross is a broadcast television editor and FCP Guru. He will show how to import the P2 footage into FCP and demo ways to organize the footage. He will also show how to convert 60P footage into 23.98 slow motion.
8:20PM - 8:45PM - Shooting with the HVX200 - Barry Braverman
Author and director of photography Barry Braverman will explain and demonstrate various performance issues related to the operation of the Panasonic HVX200. Particular emphasis will be placed on achieving maximum sharpness from the small format imager and suppressing noise under low light conditions. A short demo reel of HVX footage recorded at various frame rates and resolutions 1080i and 720p will also be shown.

8:45PM - 9:05PM - Break
This is a chance to hang out and meet and greet and get your problems solved. Larry Jordan will be in the Lobby selling his latest book, Final Cut Pro Hands on Training as well as his latest DVD, Digital Video Principles
Intelligent Assistance will be in Lobby selling their latest creations, and talking about the newPro Apps Hub. Snacks and Beer and Wine will be on sale in the lobby. Proceeds go to the Gallery Theater. Plus lots more stuff going on.
9:05PM - 9:20PM - Tips to working with garbage mattes and chroma key - Larry Jordan
Confused when creating blue or green screen chroma-keys? FCP Guru Larry Jordan shows you everything you need to know to create great looking keys -- including garbage mattes -- in one incredible 15-minute demo. He'll even reveal the secrets of using color smoothing and spill suppression.

9:25PM - 9:40PM - What you need to know about the MacBook Pro - Brad Wright
Brad Wright, author of DVDxDV and HDVxDV got himself a brand new Intel Macbook Pro and will show it off and tell us most all we need to know before and if we want to buy.

9:40PM - 9:55PM - Show and Tell - Scott O'Connor
From Scott:
We'd like to show selections from out reel. We specialize in DVD creation, so our reel consists not only of current work clips, but the design and interaction on the disc itself. We haven't heard too much about what does or doesn't make a good post-production reel at the group, so maybe it will spark some conversation.
We'll play a couple of short clips (2 minutes each or so), and show some of the interactive menus. Most of the clips can be seen at our website: www.gostudiosla.com
All were edited with Final Cut.

9:55PM - 10:05PM - World Famous Raffle
Free demo copies of Filemaker Pro 8 to first 100 people who show up - Filemaker Pro
Copy of "Video Shooter : Storytelling with DV, HD, and HDV Cameras" - Barry Braverman
Cans of Case Saver - Case Saver
1 copies of Final Cut Pro 5 Essential Editing DVD - Larry Jordan
2 copies of "Final Cut Pro 5- Beyond the Basics" DVD- Larry Jordan
Art of Encoding with Compressor - Ripple Training
5 $20.00 Gift Certificates - Paquito Mas Restaurants
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV
WMV Studio Pro - Flip4Mac
Copy of Inside OSX Tiger - Magnet Media
Copy of Inside Final Cut Pro 5 - Magnet Media
Copy of Inside Soundtrack Pro - Magnet Media
FCP Keyboard KeyGuide - Neotron Design
Plug-in package of your choice - Lyric Media
Copy of Final Draft and Final Draft AV - Final Draft
Killer Titles for Live Type and Calligraphy - Intelligent Assistance
Practical Color Correction For FCP - Intelligent Assistance
1 T-shirt - kenstone.net
Special thanks to Promax for footing the bill and Victor Maldanado and Dean Cleary for taping the show