February 28 , 2007
"Sort of Sony Night"
We welcomed Director/cameraman Jody Eldred who brought in a Sony F350 XDCAM HD camera, showed us footage and along with FCP Guru Larry Jordan, showed us what you need to know about its 1080i, 24P-capable optical disk recording and file transfer software. Also on the agenda was filmmaker John Putch who will show us clips and behind the scenes footage from his award winning feature film, "Mojave Phone Booth." This movie was shot using the Sony Z1 HDV camera.
Also on the agenda was Eric Ocean from Ampede, makers of the very cool plug-ins for FCP and Motion, LayerLink for Motion and PDFLink 2 for FCP. Eric showed us his brand new plug-in, "WebLink" for Safari and Motion."
We had of course another round of Stump The Gurus, FCP Tip/trick of the Month, and World Famous Raffle.
Agenda (subject to change)
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
Join FCP Gurus Andrew Balis, Christine Steele and KD Gulko, as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCP. If they can't solve your problem or answer your How 2, then you go home with a problem but you still got out of the house, so that's not a bad thing.
7:20PM - 7:35PM - "FCP Tip/Trick of the Month" - Christine Steele
Taming the Media Manager

7:40PM - 8:00PM - 'Ampede WebLink' - Eric Ocean
WebLink is a Motion FxPlug plugin and a Safari SIMBL plugin that lets you put the web in Motion by allowing you to effortlessly export any web page from Safari as a pixel-perfect WebLink, and then import those WebLinks into Motion.

8:05PM - 8:30PM - 'Mojave Phone Booth and HDV' - John Putch
Director John Putch will show clips and behind the scenes footage of his award winning feature film, Mojave Phone Booth. John will also discuss the workflow from HDV to HDCAM and talk about what you need to know and look out for when shooting with HDV.

8:35PM - 8:55PM - Break
This is a chance to hang out and meet and greet and get your problems solved. Lots of Gurus come to lafcpug meetings and ths is your chance to network and make contacts. In the lobby will be DVCreators who will be selling their latest and greatest DVD Tutorials. Snacks and Beer and Wine will be on sale in the lobby. Proceeds go to the Gallery Theater.
9:00PM - 9:35PM -"Shooting and Editing with XDCAM HD"- Jody Eldred and Larry Jordan
From Jody:
There's been lots of buzz abut Sony's newest CineAlta camera, the F350 XDCAM HD . For us editors, the buzz has been about its 1080i, 24P-capable optical disk recording and file transfer software eliminating the need for log and capture, speeding up and streamlining the ingest process immensely. DGA nominee and Emmy-winning Director/Cameraman/Editor Jody Eldred (also an F900R CineAlta owner) was one of Sony's testers of the XDCAM HD system. He'll visit us again and take us through the workflow, from shooting through ingest to editing on his MacBook Pro. And as Jody says, "If I can do this, ANYBODY can do this! He'll be joined by Final Cut guru Larry Jordan to answer any questions Jody admits are, "Way above my paygrade..."

9:40PM - 9:50PM - "Liza Minnelli Tribute" - Show and Tell - Les Perkins
Les Perkins will show a five-minute tribute to Liza Minnelli he cut together for an award she just received from the Palm Springs Desert AIDS project. Editorially, Les will talk about the challenges of cutting together unrelated music clips (cutting to audio, not cutting to picture), and the "emotional" arch he had to create in a very short time frame.

9:50PM - 10:00PM - "Captain Brew" - Show and Tell - Mike Mrozek
Mike Mrozek will show the Trailer, and a scene from the feature film "Captain Brew". Fighting enemies like Wonder Whino, and Margarita Joe, Super hero Captain Brew from the planet Brewski fights for Truth, Justice and, Domestic beer. This bumbling, "Stupid" hero has 1 screw loose and is not afraid to know it. Enjoy.
10:00PM - World Famous Raffle
ShuttlePro - Contour Design
1 volume HD royalty free Stock animation images - Motionstream
Copy of VeeScope Live - VeeScope Live
Copy of WebLink - Ampede
Final Cut Pro Keyboard Covers for Powerbook/MacBook Pro - KB Covers
Keyboard Symbols" Keyboard Covers for Powerbook/MacBook Pro - KB Covers
$100.00 off or towards any Digital Heaven products - Digital Heaven
100 credits for the royalty free stock video clips of your choice - Revolution Stock Media
2 copies of the "Repair Collection" plug-ins for FCP - CHV Electronics
Optimizing your FCP System (signed by Adam Wilt) - Adam Wilt
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV
WMV Studio Pro - Flip4Mac
LiveType 2 - Essential Training -Larry Jordan
Motion 2 - Essential Training -Larry Jordan
Copy of Inside Flash 8- Magnet Media
Copy of Inside Final Express - Magnet Media
50% off Training class at Moviola - Moviola
FCP Keyboard KeyGuide - Neotron Design
Plug-in package of your choice - Lyric Media
Copy of Final Draft or Final Draft AV - Final Draft
Ken Stone dot net T-shirt - Ken Stone
Killer Titles for Live Type and Calligraphy - Intelligent Assistance
Practical Color Correction For FCP - Intelligent Assistance
303 Pro App Tips -Intelligent Assistance
Special thanks to ProMax for footing the bill and Victor Maldanado and Dean Cleary for taping the show