-February 27, 2006-
"Get Yourself Organized Night"
Join us for another great evening of learning and fun when we will welcome DigitalFilm Tree's Ramy Katrib who will show off what can only be described as a FileMaker Pro digital replica of the organizing solution Walter Murch uses on his movies. Plus a demo of the # 1 storyboarding software for filmmakers, Storyboard Artist . Steve Martin will return with tips and tricks on Color Correction in Final Cut Pro and show off the brand new training DVD from Ripple Training, Color Correction for Final Cut Pro. Plus FCP Tips and Tricks, Show and Tells and World Famous Raffle. Agenda will be set in stone one week before the meeting so keep watching this page.
6:45- 7:15PM - Stump the Gurus
Join FCP Gurus Steve Martin and special guest Gurus, Christine Steele and Shane Ross as they will attempt to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems concerning FCP. If they can't solve your problem or answer your How 2, then you go home with a problem but you still got out of the house, so that's not a bad thing.

7:20PM - 7:45PM - "Color Correction in Final Cut Pro" -Steve Martin
Ripple Trainings Steve Martin will show off their brand new training DVD, "Color Correction in Final Cut Pro" and give us a few tips and tricks on how to get started with the Color Corrector.

7:50PM - 8:15PM - Storyboard Artist - Fred Gallo
A powerful tool and a must have tool for any Indy filmmaker who needs to get organized before you shoot and you better be organized. Storyboard Artist is an easy to use "pre-vis" tool for those of us who can't draw but can see. Director Fred Gallo will show us how he uses SBA with Final Cut Pro.

8:20PM -8:45PM - Filemaker Pro 8 Untitled - Ramy Katrib
Ramy Katrib of DigitalFilm Tree in Hollywood will demo what only can be described as a digital replica of the organizational methods Walter Murch uses for his movies he edits. Built using Filemaker Pro 8, this product is still in development but deserves to be seen. It is very cool and I'm sure you will find it very useful.

8:45PM - 9:05PM - Break
This is a chance to hang out and meet and greet and get your problems solved. Steve Martinwill be in the Lobby selling his latest training DVDs from Ripple Training. Filemaker Pro wil also be in the lobby answering questions.
Intelligent Assistance will also be in Lobby selling their latest creations, and talking about the newPro Apps Hub. Snacks and Beer and Wine will be on sale in the lobby. Proceeds go to the Gallery Theater. Oh, and a special surprise; Dancing monkeys.
9:05PM - 9:25PM - Converting HDV to SD 4:3 - Philip Hodgetts
What do you get when you mix one Yogi Marlon, two Sony HDV Z1U cameras, a couple of hundred hours editing in HD and a creative approach to 4:3 SD conversion? You get "Yoga for couch Potatoes", a lot of experience with HDV editing, a longing for a Quad G5 and a great DVD ready for distribution now, that's future proofed for when HD distribution becomes available.

8:30PM -9:55PM - Show and Tell - Ted Bonnitt
From Ted:
We'll show a new short film directed by Ted Bonnitt. It's Ted's first movie since his feature documentary "Mau Mau Sex Sex."
It was shot on 35mm film, edited on FCP and mastered to HDSR 4:4:4. He'll briefly offer some road-proven tips on getting the enormous color space of a 4:4:4 DI master successfully down-res'd to a color corrected DVD. Not as easy as you'd think.
9:55PM - 10:05PM - World Famous Raffle
Free demo copies of Filemaker Pro 8 to first 150 people who show up
Copy of Filemaker Pro 8 - Filemaker Pro
StoryBoard Quick - StoryBoard Artist
1 copies of Final Cut Pro 5 Essential Editing DVD - Larry Jordan
2 copies of "Final Cut Pro 5- Beyond the Basics" DVD- Larry Jordan
Art of Encoding with Compressor - Ripple Training
5 $20.00 Gift Certificates - Paquito Mas Restaurants
Copy of DVDxDVPro - DVDxDV
WMV Studio Pro - Flip4Mac
Copy of Inside OSX Tiger - Magnet Media
Copy of Inside Final Cut Pro 5 - Magnet Media
Copy of Inside Soundtrack Pro - Magnet Media
FCP Keyboard KeyGuide - Neotron Design
Plug-in package of your choice - Lyric Media
Copy of Final Draft and Final Draft AV - Final Draft
Killer Titles for Live Type and Calligraphy - Intelligent Assistance
Practical Color Correction For FCP - Intelligent Assistance
1 T-shirt - kenstone.net

Special thanks to Promax for footing the bill and Victor Maldanado for taping the show