lacpug Forums
The forums are an area where our members will be able to talk about their joys and pains concerning all NLEs including Final Cut 7 and below, FCP X, Avid and Adobe and hopefully find solutions to those pains. It will also serve as a gathering for people who wish to network and help each other out when necessary. In addition, it will serve as a place to discuss past meetings and future ones, maybe find a crew, a job or offer a job. The forums are open to the world, and we even speak Spanish. Registration to post on the forums is required. NOTE: You do NOT have to JOIN lacpug in order to post on the forums, but you do have to register to post.
Click HERE for instructions on how to register for the forums Any problems registering, just click CONTACT US at bottom of this page and I will walk you through. The forums are moderated so exercise restraint and good manners.
Cafe' LA
Your basic troubleshooting forum for all things FCP Legacy (FCP 7 and below.) And general discussion on topics that do not fit in the other forums.
Rules for posting on this forum:
No rants or rages. Be specific. Tell us your version of NLE, your version of your OS, your model of Mac, and how much ram you have. Tell us your brand of Hard Drive, capture Card. Give us more information than you think we need.
Cafe' LA - X
Your basic troubleshooting and discussion forum for all things Final Cut Pro X.
Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Your basic troubleshooting and discussion forum for all things about Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
Avid Media Composer
Your basic troubleshooting and discussion forum for all things about Avid Media Composer
Foro FinalCutPro (Se Habla Español)
Su foro de soluciones a problemas básicos de FCP y programas relacionados.
Reglas para participar en este foro:
Sea cortés y no ofenda a sus colegas; estamos aquí para ayudarnos, no atacarnos. Haga preguntas específicas. Indique la versión del sistema operativo (OS); modelo de Macintosh, cantidad de memoria (RAM); marca, modelo y capacidad de discos duros, y tarjeta de captura. Entre más información nos dé, más probable es que podamos ayudarle a encontrar solución a su problema
lacpug Market
Place to buy and sell your stuff. Note: lacpug accepts no responsibility for merchandise sold or bought via this forum. You are on your own here, so be careful.
Rules for posting on this forum
Post here if you are looking for a job or offering a job. Employers, please take a look at our TALENT DIRECTORY first. Lots of talent in there.
CAUTION: Do NOT reply to job offers on this forum as often times the employer does not check back. Reply directly to employer
News and Announcements
News from around our digital world will be posted here. That includes PRs of new products, updates to products and generally anything having to do with this Multimedia planet that we feel you need to know about. Got a film you want us to see? New product announcement you want us to know about? Asking for submissions to a Film Fest? Got any announcement you want to post ? This is the forum to post them.
***Archived Forums (READ ONLY. You cannot post questions on these forums, only learn from past answers)***
Your basic troubleshooting and learning forum for all things Color, Apple's newest Pro-App.
Your basic troubleshooting and discussion forum for Apple's Real Time Motion Graphics app, Motion
DVD Studio Pro
For all issues involving DVD Studio Pro and DVD Authoring
Compressor - Media Compression and Conversion
Post here if you are having issues with Apple Compressor, codec and format conversions, making files for the web, or issues or questions with other compression programs.
Soundtrack Pro
Your basic troubleshooting forum and hang out to discuss Apple's new Audio App, Soundtrack Pro
FCP Feature Requests
If you have a feature request for a future version of Final Cut Pro, then post it in this forum. Be VERY specific about your feature requests. Don't just say, "better Media Manager" or "comprehensible auto select." And be sure the feature you are requesting does not already exist.
The "Bug" Report
Dedicated to isolating any bugs or usability issues in the latest shipping version of FCP, devising workarounds and sharing those workarounds with the user community.
Show and Tell
This is the place to discuss your work with us. Whether it be finished or not, let us see it and let's talk about it. You can also point us to videos on the web that you find interesting or you wish to find out "how they did it."