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Clicks & Pops

What's a good workflow for working with HDV on my Mac?

Most likely answers:

From Graeme Nattress:
Although many people recommend getting out of HDV as soon as you can, what is usually best for HDV is to edit nativly. Yes - this works fine, as Apple have done a superb job on the codec to make it work right. Then, right at the end of editing, you change the timeline to uncompressed, re-render, and output to your high end HD deck. Quality is maintained as best as possible throughout the whole process, and you don't need a massive raid while editing, only at the end.

Dubbing to HDCAM or DVCProHD might simplify workflows for some people, but is detrimental to image quality (and resolution if you dub to DVCProHD) - dubbing to D5 or HDCAM SR might be fine for quality as they're very lightly compressed, but the others are not. HDV even stores colour with a better sampling than HDCAM!

Also look at:

Apple has very good "White Papers" (PDF) on HDV Workflow including a FAQ. You can find it on the must bookmark Final Cut Studio Resources page. Look under White Papers in bottom of page.

Native HDV Editing with Final Cut Pro 5

Offline Workflows for Film and Television using compressed HD.

Also read Charlie White's tutorial titled "Native HDV on Final Cut Pro 5"

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