The 8th Annual NAB FCPUG SuperMeet (Podcast)
-The only place you NEEDED to be-
FCP User Groups and Digital filmmakers from Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco, New York, Mexico, Hungary, France and from around the world headed to Las Vegas, Nevada for the Eighth Annual FCPUG SuperMeet on Tuesday, April 21 2009 at the Rio Hotel as part of NAB. This event celebrated the 10th Anniversary of Final Cut Pro and was the largest gathering of FCP Users and Gurus on the planet during NAB week. These podcasts are hosted by
This piece shows the music video to "Stand By Me" which tallied up over 10 million views on YouTube. Jonathan Walls, Co-Director and Editor for Playing for Change talks about how this production was made, what inspired the filmmakers to document musicians all over the world, and how music can be a common bond which connects us all.
When it comes to producing Blu-ray discs there are a whole lot of issues one needs to consider which have not faced the traditional DVD author. Simply put - replicating Blu-ray discs is very expensive, largely due to licensing and technical requirements. However due to the genius of a man named Larry Applegate, there is now an affordable way to make a Blu-ray CMF (cutting master format) - this is required by replicators for mass production of Blue-ray discs.
JVC stunned the world when the GY-HM100 was unveiled - a tapeless camcorder capable of recording 35mbps native QuickTime files to affordable SDHC cards. Now JVC shows off the larger, more capable GY-HM700, featuring interchangeable lenses, 3rd inch sensors, full shoulder mounted design, and with the facility to record native QuickTime to SDHC media at 35mbps. This professional camcorder has changed the acquisition playing field for those looking to jump into high quality affordable HD.
SmartSound emerged onto the music creation scene in 1996, when it was all Mac OS 9, and provided an inexpensive way for filmmakers to access high quality production music which could be easily manipulated to a predetermined length. Jump forward to the present and SmartSound provides Final Cut Pro users the ability integrate SmartSound into your Final Cut Pro workflow, by providing a means to easily work between the two applications.
5 P2 cameras, 6 wireless microphones, freestyle shooting, a Sound Devices 788T recording 8 tracks of audio, and less than a week from shoot to air. How would you bring this all together in Final Cut Pro?
Returning marines from Iraq and Afghanistan need a focus to adjust to society after the conflicts they have been involved in. This piece shows off video content produced by wounded marines who want a new career working in film and video.
7. Share the love: FCP and CS4 Production Premium - Jason Levine
Coming soon
Arthur C. Smith III is a filmmaker who has filmed Polar bears up close like no other filmmaker before him. Being based in the Arctic has brought him right into the community of these animals where he has filmed them interacting and socialising. In this interview Arthur describes why he regards Polar Bears as being extremely intelligent and what is at stake if we do not protect these animals from man-made threats to their existence.
9. The Coca-Cola Pavilion and the Adidas Spiral Theater at the Beijing Olympics - Kim Salyer and Joanne Dorgan
coming soon
10. Indy workflow and Red - Steve Sherrick
coming soon
Michael was the leader of the New York City Final Cut Pro User Group, also known as the Moving Pictures Collective of NYC. He was an integral member of the digital video scene and the news blasted through the Final Cut community as details emerged that on the Monday morning of NAB, at 12.06am, Michael Vitti was found dead at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas.

2008 FCPUG SuperMag Magazine
pages of articles and FCS tutorials
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Podcast Credits
Produced by: - Daniel
Berube, Michael Horton and Rick Young
Editor: - Rick Young
Camera: - Rick Young, Ben King, Dean Cleary
Thanks to for hosting these

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